💫 Take The Leap
There are times in life when taking a risk is better left for another day. Other times are perfect for taking the leap, no matter how scary and dangerous it may seem.
Hold tight, Love, today is the day to take a leap!
💫 Change Is Upon You
The funny thing is that courage doesn't get mustard in the absence of fear, rather despite it or even because of it. Things may be stirred up and change is upon you, but please know— This is a cause for celebration.
💫 Move Through Discomfort
Things may be stirred up and change is upon you, but please know— This is a cause for celebration. All you need to concern yourself with is choosing courage as your ally; leave the rest up to Spirit.
Soul & Spirit Maintenance
There is often this talk about self-care, what it is and what it isn’t. On a personal level, there is no single definition of self-care, but what I find beautiful and encouraging about self-care is that the name says it all. Self-care is the way we individually care for ourselves, this means that it’s all about what the Self needs.