The Human Design System: Projector Aura Type
To the Projectors and those who are curious about them… WELCOME.
Step into the world of Projectors — the seers, guides, and natural leaders (yes, former President Barack Obama is said to be a Projector).
As a fellow Projector, I’ve delved deep into the study of our aura, reflected on my own experiences, and watched the other Projectors around me.
Understanding our aura penetrating nature and the unique ways it interacts with the energies around us.
In this article, I share insights into our aura characteristics and offer valuable tips on caring for this exceptional energy signature.
Join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we explore the essence of being a Projector and nurturing our unique gifts.
Table of Contents
About the Aura
Projector Aura Type: Role, Characteristics, Vibes
Projector’s Aura
Projector Sub-types: mental, energy, classic
Notes & Tips for Projectors: aura, the invitation, recognize you, rest
Be Your Biggest Fan and #1 Supporter
Preserve Your Energy
Create Magnetism Around You
While “Waiting,” Prepare
Types of Invitations
You are a Lighthouse
Tips & Recommendations: Aura Care
Wrapping Up
Love Note to Fellow Projectors
The Aura IS you. How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control — the way your Aura operates.
— Andrea Abay-Abay, from JOVIAN ARCHIVE
There is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding and extending outward from every living thing. In the case of human beings, that field extends about two arm lengths in every direction from the body and is considered our Aura.
Through our Auras, we communicate with those around us. Auric connectivity is a powerful and non-verbal form of communication that cannot be ignored.
Your aura holds the key to how you interact with the world. Understanding the mechanisms of your aura is not just an exploration of personal energy; it is a gateway to a life in harmony.
If we understand and honor the key differences between Types at an auric level, we create the potential to interact and communicate successfully and amicably with one another on all levels.
“The Aura ! The Aura! The Aura!
Focus on the Aura!”
Role: Here to Guide others and make life more efficient; Wisdom Keeper; Here to Lead, Teach, & Guide others
Aura Characteristics: Penetrating, focused, probing, absorbing
Vibes: guidance, insightful, observant, strategic, wisdom, sensitive to energy, advising, alignment, perspective, insight, systems, patient, magnetic
What makes a Projector: an undefined Sacral Center, no connection from a motor (the Heart, Sacral, Root, or Solar Plexus) to the Throat
The Projector’s aura provokes recognition and the invitation. The Projector’s gift to the world is to understand and be a guide for others’ energy.
Projectors have a focused, penetrative, and absorbing aura that is ‘projected’ to see into others and be seen. This unique aura design positions projectors as natural leaders, guides, and educators. The ability to see into others and offer insightful guidance becomes a way for projectors to contribute positively to their social dynamics.
I believe that understanding our Aura is a game changer because it helps us utilize our energy most efficiently, and helps to understand our impact on others.
Let’s explore more about the Projector’s Aura
Makeup Appx 20% of the world’s population.
Your aura possesses a penetrating focus, extending into the energy of those around you, allowing you to deeply perceive and recognize the uniqueness in individuals. This penetrating ability isn’t limited to people but extends to systems, processes, projects, and businesses. When you engage with them, your insight reveals potential improvements for greater authenticity and efficiency.
You have a unique way of seeing the world and the people in it, and others look to you for insight and guidance. Every Projector has their own niche or special area of genius. Projectors are here to guide, lead, and teach. They can see things the way others can’t–whether that’s reading into people, devising systems, or designing new ways of doing things, each Projector has a special ability of their own. They have unique insights into the way life works through their sensitivity and awareness.
They are also here to discover and recognize accurate, powerful, and practical systems of knowledge and information (that align with them) that help lead and guide others to realize their unique potential.
Our aura is penetrating, we take each person’s energy deeply.
We have the capacity to see the bigger picture.
Through your body, you can feel if you are welcomed.
The aura is a powerful force that extends/projects out towards others and is reciprocally projected upon by others. This reciprocal projection occurs as the projector interacts with individuals who respond to the energy they emit. Others may sense the projector’s keen perception and absorbent nature, feeling seen and understood in return. This mutual exchange of energy is a dynamic interplay where the projector’s aura influences and is influenced by the auras of those around them, creating a symbiotic relationship in social interactions.
You are designed to have an inconsistent flow of energy in your body(since you do not have a defined Sacral Center)
Projectors do not have Sacral Center definition and do not have a direct or indirect channel from a motor center to the Throat Center (which means no potential for generating or manifesting). Projectors need to use their energy wisely to live in alignment; without wise use of their power, they risk burnout in their daily lives.
The projector has a general openness to life, combined with a focused and penetrating aura that absorbs and energetically tastes the energy of other people. Your aura has a deep ability to “read” the energy of others and to recognize how they can best utilize their energy.
The openness in the Projector’s design (ability to absorb), allows them to take in the energy of others and see how they can best guide them to their highest potential once they are invited into the aura of others to share their insights.
As a Projector, you operate differently than the majority of people in your life. Your energy is here to contribute what you see and to help guide the energy use of others.
There are three categories of projectors– mental projectors, energy projectors, and classic projectors.
Projectors are designed to work at their own pace in short bursts, and work best when guiding, directing, and leading others and connecting with a personal network.
Photo by Katarzyna Grabowska on Unsplash
All Projectors are not the same, how your focused aura type shows up in the world will vary depending on the energy centers you have defined or undefined.
Mental Projectors have Environmental Authority.
This Projector has only the Head, Ajna, or Throat Center defined. They have no definition below the Throat Center.
Mental Projectors have sensitive, open bodies because all the energy they emit comes through their Head, Ajna, or Throat Center.
They can have the most conditioning of all the Projectors.
Mental Projectors have consistent access to mental energy. This definition provides them with a stable and reliable mental processing capacity. They have a strong intellect that provides deep value to the world.
When a person has undefined centers in their body, their Environment greatly affects them.
If you’re a Mental Projector, you are deeply impacted by who and what surrounds you. It’s helpful for Mental Projectors to study the people in their lives to understand their energy and honor what makes them feel seen and valued; by studying others, they learn about themselves.
Energy Projectors have one or more of three motor centers (Root, Solar Plexus, or Heart Center) defined.
Don’t be misled by the notion that Projectors, lacking a defined Sacral Center, are incapable of engaging in physical activities. In reality, Projectors can exhibit considerable energy.
For Energy Projectors, it’s crucial to channel that energy into activities that align with their authentic selves to avoid burning out for someone else’s agenda. Amid the pressure to constantly act, it’s easy not to recognize when to pause. Therefore, scheduling moments of rest becomes indispensable.
Classic Projectors have Splenic or Self-Projected Authority and do not have Root, Solar Plexus, or Heart Center defined (in other words, no Motors).
Classic Projectors possess a heightened sensitivity to the life force energy in their surroundings. If you identify as a Classic Projector, it’s essential to regularly assess the energetic dynamics of those around you.
Ask yourself: Are the people in my environment embodying a healthy life force? Are they engaging in productive and positive work? Do their energies uplift me? Are they utilizing their energy wisely?
As a Classic Projector, you naturally absorb the life force energy of those in your vicinity. Therefore, it’s crucial to surround yourself with individuals who contribute positively to your well-being.
The key lies in discernment.
Opt for invitations from those who genuinely recognize and appreciate you, emanate a healthy energy that resonates with you, and create an environment where you feel uplifted. This discerning approach allows you to absorb others’ energies effectively and fulfill your responsibilities in a way that aligns with your needs.
You are not here to exchange your time for money; you are here to exchange your insight and knowledge for value.
“Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.”
NOTES & TIPS for Projectors
Projector, when you show up, your aura attracts and draws people to you, and the only thing that is required of you is to sense/taste which of these people truly see you and recognize you.
You are an insightful guide who can see the big picture.
You are here to guide; your value and worth are not about how much you can do, and/or how quickly.
You have the ability to penetrate other people and see into their gifts, feelings, challenges, and true essence. When I was a teenager, I remember feeling so magical because I “knew people’s secrets.” I knew what bothered them, what they were scared about, and could tell when their words were not honest. As a young adult, I started praying not to take advantage of what I knew.
Your superpower is to make people feel seen, understood, and appreciated.
Projectors possess an innate drive to connect with others, driven not by neediness but by divine curiosity. This inquisitiveness is part of how your aura operates, enabling you to penetrate the identity of others. With a keen ability to read energies, we instinctively discern where and how others’ energy can be most effectively utilized. This unique gift lies in our capacity to recognize others.
Projectors guide others towards possibilities. We are intuitively connected to what is possible. However, before we share our incredible and immersed wisdom of what is possible, we need to follow our strategy, to wait for recognition and the invitation.
Projectors are not here to dwell on the surface, our purpose goes beyond superficial engagements. Instead of staying at a shallow level, we are designed to delve deeply into experiences, see what others might overlook, and approach situations with insight, advice, and profound questions. Our inherent gift lies in going beneath the surface to contribute in a meaningful way.
Projectors are often better at seeing into others than seeing themselves; it’s how the aura works. I think about it as, if you look at the illustration of the Projector’s aura, you notice that it’s not shown in a way where the “penetration” of the aura comes back to the Projector; it’s focused outward, towards the monopole of the other. So, our gifts, as Projectors, are for the others. And in the same way, Projectors will need their own Projector that can help them see themselves more clearly.
Fellow Projectors… cultivate your gifts at your own pace. Become a master of what you love, and then you will naturally attract the people who can truly see your wisdom and talents.
Your purpose involves immersing yourself in what genuinely captivates you. These fascinations will birth ideas and creations, allowing you to guide others, regardless of the role you choose — be it CEO, Life Coach, writer, artist, or another path.
The areas where you direct your attention become magnetic, attracting invitations into your life. By shifting your focus towards the aspects you love, you’ll notice invitations naturally coming your way.
Deep, meaningful relationships full of reciprocity, recognition, and appreciation are nourishing for the Projector’s soul.
The Not-Self Theme (Bitterness) is a protective mechanism that indicates that your aura is engaged in an uphill battle that will ultimately drain you. By shifting your energy, you can return to a place of ease + flow.
Due to your penetrating aura, others keenly sense your focused attention, and if they’re not prepared for your laser-like focus, they might shut down, resisting your insight. Understanding my role as a Projector, I’ve learned to recognize when someone’s aura closes to me — an unmistakable sensation as if my words lose their impact. Reflecting on those days, I’ve conserved energy by refraining from sharing guidance until it’s recognized and invited.
Given our aura’s proficiency at absorbing others’ energy, Projectors often encounter the belief that they should emulate the lifestyles of those around them, rather than embracing their distinct approach to navigating the world.
Projectors inherently possess brilliance and a proclivity for absorbing the expectations and energies of others. Many have adeptly emulated Manifestors and Generators, often losing their authenticity in the process. Recognizing the complex nature of our distinct makeup is crucial, urging us to align with our authentic selves.
If you find that you shine when connecting one-on-one but feel overwhelmed in groups. That’s a result of the aura operating, our aura can penetrate only one person at a time.
Invitations (Strategy) for Projectors do not have to mean a literal invitation. When someone is inviting you, it is them saying that they are open and accepting of your gifts (even if that’s energetically communicated).
As a projector, it’s common to take on the role of a therapist or advice-giver for friends and family. However, ensure that your guidance is invited when you offer it and that you’re valued for your unique qualities, not just as a generic sounding board or someone else’s dumping ground.
When you are not invited, your advice can offend and repel others, rather than be appreciated.
Not all recognition is correct recognition. If you are not sharing your true nature with the world, you may get recognized for things that don’t feel right, or certain people may not be the correct fit for you.
Allow people to see what you are up to. Part of your aura is to be recognized… people can’t invite you, or know of your ‘expertise,’ if they don’t know you exist.
Expressing your passions and interests is beneficial for you; sharing aspects of your life and articulating why you love certain things is a key way for people to notice and acknowledge you. The need for a formal invitation arises primarily when offering guidance on someone else’s life.
While Projectors excels at perceiving others, we often diminish our own power by fixating on external opinions and the anticipation of recognition or invitations. We may struggle to truly see ourselves, making self-empowerment crucial. We must redirect our focus inward, away from seeking external validation. By acknowledging our gifts, embracing personal fascinations, strategically sharing our wisdom, developing offerings, and prioritizing rest, as a Projector, we construct a foundation that enhances our magnetism and visibility, inviting genuine recognition and invitations from others.
Projectors will eventually, if they are not, develop the ability to stand securely grounded in the awareness of their own gifts; being able to recognize others.
When you exude self-acceptance and recognize the value of your distinctive abilities, others naturally gravitate toward you. Begging for acknowledgment or energetically expressing feelings of being unseen or bitter only diminishes your power. The key lies in self-recognition, becoming your own greatest supporter, and that sets the foundation for the recognition you receive from others. Projectors should embrace the role of their own biggest cheerleader.
Cultivating self-love is vital for Projectors because it empowers us to recognize our value independent of external validation. When Projectors turn their focus inward, embracing and appreciating themselves, they build a strong foundation for self-confidence and authenticity. This internal recognition becomes the source of our magnetism, reducing dependence on external acknowledgment and fostering a deeper connection with our true essence.
Not everyone will resonate with your energy, it’s not personal, it’s vibrational. Therefore, keep in mind that you are not desiring recognition from everyone– you are looking for people who align with you. Those who are on the same wavelength/frequency.
Expressing your passions and interests is beneficial for you; sharing aspects of your life and articulating why you love certain things is a key way for people to notice and acknowledge you. The need for a formal invitation arises primarily when offering guidance on someone else’s life.
Recognition holds utmost significance within the invitation. If someone requests your advice or skills without a genuine desire for them, or if they don’t truly value your gifts, then it isn’t an aligned invitation for you. It’s crucial to discern whether the invitation truly appreciates your contributions; otherwise, your unique gifts may not be fully acknowledged, leading to potential feelings of being unrecognized and bitter.
Because you are profoundly affected by the people around you, someone who doesn’t fully support you will weigh you down.
Projectors are meant to be invited into healthy relationships; feeling fully seen and recognized by our romantic partner is key.
While lacking life force energy from a defined Sacral Center, you possess the necessary energy for success. Efficiently accomplishing tasks faster than others is within your capabilities, granted you respect your decision-making authority and accept invitations aligned with your well-being.
You are perfectly designed to live your most ideal, successful life. As a Projector, you always have the energy you need to be successful. Your way of getting to success may look different than the majority of people around you.
Our ability to absorb, expand, and reflect the energy of others, can leave us drained and incredibly vulnerable to conditioning and burnout.
Due to inconsistent energy… Projectors need time alone to rest, recharge, and let go of others’ energy.
If you do not prioritize rest, then you will never reach the amount of success you are here to achieve.
Craft a relaxing bedtime routine.
Projectors are excellent self-starters, and working for themselves can allow them the freedom they need to work efficiently.
There is nothing wrong with knowing the truth of who you are, and embracing it…
By acknowledging and embracing your identity as a Projector, you pave the way for others to recognize and appreciate the wisdom you inherently carry. You must recognize yourself, first.
1. Acknowledge Your Unique Perception: Recognize and celebrate your focused, penetrating aura that allows you to see deeply into situations and people.
2. Connect with Your Authentic Self: Recognize that your authentic self holds immense value. Connect with your true essence, free from external expectations. This self-awareness is the foundation for genuine recognition by others.
3. Reflect on Past Achievements: Take time to reflect on instances where your guidance and insights positively impacted others. Remind yourself of your valuable contributions.
4. Embrace Your Role as a Guide: Understand that your natural inclination to lead and guide others is a gift. Embrace your role as a natural leader and guide. Understand that your influence extends beyond your immediate awareness, and your impact can be transformative for those around you.
5. Value Your Intuition: Trust your intuitive insights. Your ability to absorb and interpret energy gives you valuable perspectives. Honor your intuitive nudges and decisions.
6. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest achievements. Whether it’s offering valuable advice or guiding someone effectively, every positive impact matters. Or even taking the time to do something you enjoy and have been wanting to commit to, like studying.
7. Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Cultivate relationships with individuals who appreciate and value your unique gifts. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can boost your confidence.
8. Regular Self-Reflection: Set aside time for self-reflection to understand your personal growth and development. Recognize the positive changes you’ve made and the impact of your wisdom.
9. Continual Learning: Stay curious and engaged in learning. The more you expand your knowledge, the more confident you become in sharing your wisdom with others.
10. Healthy Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries to protect your energy. Recognize when to say no and prioritize self-care to maintain a positive mindset.
11. Affirm Your Worth: Create positive affirmations that affirm your worth and unique contributions. Regularly reinforce these affirmations to build a strong internal foundation rooted in self-recognition.
Projector Aura
Strategy: to wait for the invitation
As a Projector, your unique Strategy is to patiently await the invitation. This approach signifies a deep understanding of the nuanced dance of energies in your interactions. While your perceptive aura grants you insight into others’ needs and situations, waiting for an invitation ensures that your guidance is not imposed but is sought after willingly.
Picture it as an unspoken agreement — by waiting for that heartfelt invitation, you honor the energetic boundaries of others. You recognize that your profound insights are most valuable when they are willingly received, fostering an environment where your advice becomes a source of genuine appreciation rather than an unintentional intrusion.
This strategy allows your focused aura to harmonize with the energies around you, creating a space where your guidance is not only seen but warmly welcomed. It’s a dance of energies where your wisdom unfolds in tandem with the openness of those who seek your counsel. So, in the art of waiting for the invitation, you not only respect the autonomy of others but also ensure that the energetic exchange is one of mutual appreciation and understanding.
A Projector’s strategy to wait for the invitation aligns with the unique way their aura operates. The Projector’s aura is focused, penetrating, probing, and absorbing, allowing them to deeply see and understand the energies around them.
Here’s how the Strategy of waiting for an invitation supports the Projector’s aura dynamics:
1. Respecting Energetic Boundaries: The waiting strategy allows Projectors to respect energetic boundaries. Instead of initiating or pushing themselves into situations, they wait for recognition and invitation from others. This ensures that their aura is received openly and that they are entering into interactions where their energy is appreciated.
2. Optimal Energetic Exchange: By waiting for an invitation, Projectors ensure that there is a mutual exchange of energy. When invited, their focused and penetrating aura can work synergistically with the energies present in the environment. This contributes to a harmonious interaction where both parties benefit from the exchange.
3. Recognition and Validation: Waiting for an invitation aligns with the Projector’s need for recognition. When someone extends an invitation, it is a form of acknowledgment of the Projector’s unique talents and insights. This recognition energizes the Projector and validates the authenticity of their aura.
4. Avoiding Resistance: Initiating or forcing their way into situations can create resistance, especially if others are not ready or open to receive the Projector’s energy. Waiting for an invitation ensures a smoother flow of energy, reducing the likelihood of encountering resistance or pushback.
5. Conserving Energy: Projectors do not have a consistent, sustainable energy source like Generators. Waiting for the right invitations allows them to conserve their energy for opportunities that truly align with their strengths. It prevents unnecessary expenditure of energy on ventures that may not be a good fit.
The strategy of waiting for an invitation is a mindful approach that aligns with the dynamics of the Projector’s aura. Projectors, our Aura can really dig deep into people, and the information you pick up may not be something the individual wants to address with you.
When we wait for the invitation, it helps us have positive and harmonious interactions, maximizes the impact of our focused aura, and ensures that our energy is utilized in situations where it is most valued.
Be sure the lighthouse is beaming
Projectors can create magnetism around what they focus on. It is the energetic impact when we are deeply engaged in something that genuinely captivates our interest or passion. When we are in alignment with our authentic pursuits, our aura becomes more vibrant, drawing attention and opportunities toward us.
Here’s what it entails:
1. Authentic Alignment:
- When we are genuinely aligned with our passions, talents, or areas of expertise, our aura resonates with authenticity.
- Focusing on what truly ignites our passion and aligns with our unique gifts creates a magnetic quality in our energetic field.
2. Energetic Resonance:
- The more a Projector concentrates on activities or subjects that resonate with their true self, the stronger the magnetic field around them becomes.
- Others can sense this energetic resonance, leading to increased recognition and invitations.
3. Attracting Opportunities:
- The magnetic quality of a focused Projector can attract opportunities, connections, and collaborations related to their area of expertise.
- Others may feel drawn to seek the Projector’s guidance or involve them in projects aligned with their focused interests.
4. Enhanced Presence:
- Focusing on our passions enhances our overall presence and impact in a given area.
- This focused energy radiates a sense of competence, knowledge, and authenticity, making you stand out in your chosen field.
5. Amplified Aura:
- Projectors can create an amplified aura around subjects they are passionate about, influencing the energetic environment around them.
- This magnetism is a natural outcome of aligning with our true calling and expressing our unique essence.
When we, as Projectors, concentrate on what genuinely inspires us, our aura becomes magnetic, attracting opportunities, and connections that align with our authentic self.
I often allow my experiences outside to help me gauge the brightness of my aura. When people aren’t smiling and saying “hi” to me, it prompts me to check in with my energy to see how I am feeling. If I go outside and no one smiles at me, gives me a friendly gesture, or looks at me intensely, I often figure my light is a bit dim.
This practice has proven effective in maintaining the vibrancy of my aura.
Hone your skills and increase your magnetism
It can take time to learn to be ready to Guide others, and Projectors usually like to come at the task with tools and systems under their belt to help them be the most knowledgeable and confident advisers. So what can you do while waiting for the invitation…
Here are some tips for Projectors as they patiently wait for invitations:
1. Cultivate Self-Awareness: Develop a deep understanding of your own strengths, talents, and areas of expertise. This self-awareness will not only guide you in recognizing opportunities that align with your skills but also help you communicate your unique contributions when the right invitations come. You must be your BEST CHEERLEADER. Get in the habit of acknowledging your gifts, you don’t have to be shy. The collective needs what you have to offer.
2. Hone Your Observational Skills: Sharpen your ability to observe the dynamics and energies around you. Pay attention to the subtle cues and signals that indicate when an invitation may be on the horizon. This heightened awareness can guide you in discerning the right moments to share your insights.
3. Build Meaningful Connections: Foster genuine connections with people in your field or areas of interest. As you build relationships, individuals are more likely to recognize and appreciate your talents, making it more natural for them to extend invitations for collaboration or guidance. As a Projector, a lot of aligned opportunities came through other people recommending me– I believe this is part of how our meaningful connections work on our behalf.
4. Communicate Your Availability: While Projectors wait for invitations, it’s beneficial to subtly communicate your availability and willingness to contribute. Expressing your interest in specific areas can plant the seed for others to invite you into projects or discussions related to your expertise. This can be you sharing on social media, having a YouTube channel, networking, collaborating on projects, mentioning availability in conversations, offering free resources, creating a portfolio, or attending industry-specific workshops
5. Be Patient and Trust the Process: Waiting for the right invitations takes time. Trust the process and have patience. Avoid the temptation to force your way into situations. Your aura is most impactful when it aligns naturally with the energies around you.
6. Set Boundaries: Even as you wait for invitations, establish clear boundaries. Ensure that you are not overextending yourself or offering guidance without being asked. This helps maintain the integrity of your energy and ensures that your contributions are valued.
7. Focus on Personal Growth: Use the waiting period as an opportunity for personal and professional development. Enhance your skills, gain new knowledge, and refine your expertise. This continuous growth not only adds value to your contributions but also increases the likelihood of attracting invitations.
8. Practice Detachment: Detach yourself from the outcome of waiting. Understand that not every situation requires your guidance, and that’s perfectly fine. Embrace the moments of waiting as part of the unfolding journey, trusting that the right invitations will manifest when the time is right.
Remember, waiting for invitations is an art that involves a delicate dance of energies. By navigating this process with mindfulness and authenticity, Projectors can enhance the impact of their contributions when the invitations finally arrive.
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash
Invitations for Projectors can manifest in various ways, and recognizing them requires attunement to the nuances of energy.
Here are some examples of how invitations might express for a Projector:
1. Direct Verbal Invitations:
- Someone explicitly asks for your guidance, opinion, or expertise.
- You receive a direct invitation to participate in a project or collaboration.
2. Acknowledgment and Recognition:
- Others express genuine appreciation for your skills or insights.
- You receive acknowledgment for your unique talents and contributions.
3. Informal Conversations:
- During casual conversations, people seek your advice or thoughts naturally.
- Colleagues or friends show interest in your expertise in an informal setting.
4. Job Offers and Opportunities:
- You’re presented with job opportunities that align with your skills and passions.
- Invitations for projects or roles come your way without excessive effort on your part.
5. Being Seen for Who You Are:
- Relationships and connections develop where people recognize and value your authentic self.
- Genuine connections form with those who appreciate your unique qualities.
6. Feeling Energetically Invited:
- You sense an energetic pull or resonance when a situation or opportunity aligns with your design.
- Intuitive feelings guide you towards opportunities that are in harmony with your energy.
7. Requests for Collaboration:
- Others express interest in collaborating with you based on your expertise.
- You may receive invitations to join teams or projects that align with your skills.
8. Networking and Social Events:
- Opportunities arise during social gatherings where your skills become a topic of conversation.
- Networking events lead to invitations for participation in relevant projects or ventures.
Remember, invitations can come in subtle or overt forms. It’s about cultivating awareness and discernment to recognize when the energy is aligned, indicating that an invitation is present.
Trust your intuition, and pay attention to situations where you feel energetically invited to contribute or participate.
Once you receive an invitation, your journey of decision-making commences. With an invitation before you, the power is in your hands to choose whether you wish to contribute your insights and guidance or not.
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash
As a Projector, the essence of waiting for invitations is comparable to the analogy of lighthouses. Lighthouses stand tall, radiating their light across the vast sea, guiding ships safely to shore.
Similarly, our design is about emitting our unique energy and talents into the world without forcing or manipulating situations.
1. Recognition Magnetism:
- Your aura naturally draws people towards you when they recognize the value and wisdom you bring.
- Waiting for recognition means allowing others to see your brilliance and approach you organically.
2. Authentic Presence:
- Instead of actively seeking opportunities, your magic lies in authentically expressing who you are and what you love.
- By being true to yourself, you attract the right people who resonate with your energy.
3. No Need for Control:
- Unlike generators who initiate action, your power doesn’t come from trying to control or manipulate situations.
- By trusting in the process and being patient, the correct opportunities and connections naturally unfold.
4. Putting Yourself Out There:
- While waiting, it’s essential to share aspects of yourself with the world — your skills, knowledge, and passion.
- This isn’t about pushing but about allowing others to witness your authentic self.
5. Correct People Finding You:
- Your energy acts as a beacon, guiding those who align with your unique qualities and offerings.
- The right people, recognizing your value, will be drawn to you without any forceful efforts.
6. Aligned Connections:
- By waiting for recognition, you ensure that the connections and opportunities that come your way are aligned with your true essence.
- It’s about attracting opportunities that resonate with your authentic self.
The magic of being a Projector lies in the art of waiting, emitting our authentic energy, and allowing the correct people and opportunities to find us. It’s a dance of recognition where our aura serves as a beacon, guiding those who appreciate and resonate with the light we uniquely bring into the world. *smile*
We don’t have to push, control, or manipulate to make things happen. Our magic comes from putting enough of ourselves out in the world so that the correct people can find us.
Projectors can optimize their energy and care for their aura by following these strategies:
1. Wait for Invitations:
- Embrace your Strategy of waiting for invitations, allowing recognition to guide your interactions.
- Avoid initiating or forcing your way into situations; let others invite you.
2. Self-Reflection:
- Regularly check in with yourself to discern whether you’re honoring your strategy.
- Reflect on past experiences to understand patterns and refine your decision-making.
3. Boundaries:
- Set clear boundaries to prevent burnout.
- Learn to say no to invitations or commitments that don’t align with your energy or values.
4. Rest and Recharge:
- Recognize the importance of rest for your energy system.
- Prioritize self-care and ensure you have adequate time for recuperation.
5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People:
- Cultivate relationships with individuals who appreciate your unique qualities.
- Engage with those who naturally recognize and invite your contributions.
6. Express Yourself Authentically:
- Share your insights and wisdom when invited, but avoid pushing your guidance unsolicited.
- Communicate your needs and preferences openly with those close to you.
7. Creative Outlets:
- Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity and individuality.
- Pursue hobbies or projects that align with your passions and bring joy.
8. Develop Discernment:
- Hone your ability to discern genuine invitations from mere expectations.
- Trust your intuition to guide you in identifying opportunities that resonate with your energy.
9. Continuous Learning:
- Invest time in self-discovery and ongoing learning about your Human Design.
- Understand the nuances of your energy system to make informed decisions.
10. Celebrate Achievements:
- Acknowledge and celebrate your successes and contributions.
- Recognize the positive impact you make when your energy is correctly invited.
By aligning with your Human Design Strategy, setting boundaries, and nurturing your well-being, Projectors can enhance their overall energy balance and contribute their unique gifts more effectively.
The Projector’s aura operates with a focused, penetrating, probing, and absorbing quality. It is ‘projected’ to see others and be seen. This aura can deeply see and understand the intricacies of those around them. Waiting for the invitation isn’t just a strategy; it’s a protective measure aligning with the projector’s unique aura dynamics.
By waiting for the invitation, projectors avoid the pitfalls of their “not-self” experiences. Without the invitation, their aura remains in a state of receptivity rather than pushing to be recognized. This strategy safeguards them from potential bitterness, frustration, or feeling undervalued — common not-self themes for projectors.
Waiting ensures that when projectors share their insights, it’s met with receptivity rather than resistance. The invitation serves as a permission slip, creating a harmonious exchange where their penetrating aura can be appreciated rather than perceived as intrusive. In essence, waiting for the invitation becomes a self-preserving mechanism, allowing projectors to operate authentically and in alignment with their aura’s natural dynamics.
Sigh, well that was fun!
When I consider the information from the Human Design System and observations from human behavior, I realize that our conditioning may make some of these ‘simple’ tasks feel complicated and challenging. The Human Design System acknowledges this!
As you experiment with the System and practice living in alignment with your strategy, understand that it is a Practice. For some of us, our body will remember quickly, for others, some deconditioning will need to take place before we can hear our truth clearly — regardless, I want to encourage you to give yourself a chance at a magical life. A life where you live in alignment with your subjective truth and unique design.
Fellow Projectors,
In the dance of energies, cherish the rhythm of waiting. Our focused, absorbing auras hold the magic of guidance.
Each invitation is a testament to the depth of our insight. Let’s honor the wisdom we carry within, recognizing ourselves as the first admirers.
Trust your intuitive guidance, celebrate your gifts, and be the number one fan of your authentic self.
As we navigate this journey, trust in the power of our unique light. Embrace the beauty of waiting, for it is in the pause that our brilliance truly unfolds.
The world eagerly awaits the brilliance you bring.
Remember, recognition starts from within.
With shared understanding,
A Kindred Projector, Charliie
I Love You! Thanks for being here.
Bunnel, L. & Ra Uru Hu. 2011. The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation. HDC Publishing
Lieberman, Rachel. A Modern Guide to Human Design
Understanding Human Design by Karen Curry
Your Human Design by Shayna Cornelius and Dana Stiles