💫 Move Through Discomfort
This too shall pass
Be willing to face discomfort, trusting that feelings of healing and release are on the other side. Ask Spirit to help you feel whatever you need to feel to experience an emergence of the dormant magick within you. While you are doing this, trust that you are cared for and protected by the Divine. And allow what is to be.
Sit with those uncomfortable feelings. Acknowledge their presence; name them if you must. Allow the feelings (energy) to flow on because they will.
There will be flows of calmness, and storms.
Each moment will pass.
Each experience will pass.
You need only allow it to be, without resisting its presence. When you don’t resist, you can witness it pass by as you lean into freedom, opportunity, and flow.
The discomfort won’t last, Friend.
And know that you are not being punished for anything. This is part of the journey. The process that needs to be done for you to continue to emerge in your truth.
You are a Divine being-- know this.
Embrace this.
Live out this truth.
Again, the discomfort will pass, allow it!
Enjoy this beautiful human experience you're having.
The expression of your TRUTH matters.
I'm here with you. 💫