The Human Design System: Pure Generator Aura Type
Generators are consistent energy Types, as they are the ONLY type with a defined Sacral Center. All Generators are here to work and love the work they do, completely exhausting their measure of creative Sacral energy every day. Their sacral motor doesn’t give up until what it has committed to is accomplished.
The other three types are looking outward: The Manifestor is focused on impact, the Projector on knowing about how other Types can effectively use their energy resources; Reflector on understanding the environment and reflecting it. Generators, however, are focused on knowing themselves and understanding their own process/energy.
This article highlights the Aura of Pure Generator Type.
In the Human Design System, Type concerns the body, our genetics, and our aura.
Each Type defines a particular mode of operating energetically as a prime auric frequency.
About the Aura
Pure Generators Aura: role, characteristics, vibes
Pure Generator’s Aura
Notes for Pure Generators
Type & Strategy
Pure Generators — Aura Care
Additional Tips
Wrap up
Closing Remarks
There is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding and extending outward from every living thing. In the case of human beings, that field extends about two arm lengths in every direction from the body and is considered our Aura.
Through our Auras, we communicate with those around us. Auric connectivity is a powerful and non-verbal form of communication that cannot be ignored.
Your aura holds the key to how you interact with the world. Understanding the mechanisms of your aura is not just an exploration of personal energy; it is a gateway to a life in harmony.
If we understand and honor the key differences between Types at an auric level, we create the potential to interact and communicate successfully and amicably with one another on all levels.
The Aura ! The Aura! The Aura!
Focus on the Aura!
Role: To do the work of the world and find mastery in their process; The Masterful Creator; The Builder; Here to work/build; To Respond to life
Aura Characteristics: open, magnetic, enveloping
Vibes: stamina, creative life force, passion, flow, mastery, excitement,
What makes a Generator: a defined Sacral center and no direct connection or definition between any one of the four motors (Heart, Sacral, Root, or Solar Plexus) and the Throat
Generator’s work is their gift to the world.
Pure Generator’s Aura
Generators have an open, magnetic, and enveloping aura. This aura type’s energetic field draws people and opportunities towards them. Generators are said to have an enveloping aura because their energy has the quality of pulling in and surrounding others, creating an inviting and magnetic presence.
This enveloping aura is part of what makes Generators naturally engaging and attractive to others. People may feel drawn to the Generator’s energy, and opportunities often come their way as a result of this magnetic field. It is this enveloping quality that plays a role in the Generator’s ability to respond to what resonates with them and, in turn, generate energy for themselves and those around them.
From experience, I would describe their aura as joyful, big, inviting, fun, plentiful
I believe that understanding our Aura is a game changer because it helps us utilize our energy most efficiently, and helps to understand our impact on others.
As a Projector, when I realized how my aura was communicating with others, my interactions made more sense to me. I was able to learn how to follow my strategy, I noticed a difference in my energy levels, and my interpersonal relationships improved significantly. For this reason, I emphasize the importance of knowing how our aura operates.
Let’s explore more about the Generator’s Aura.
All Generators have embracing auras that transmit the creative life force of their Sacral Center, and establish an energy field of ‘availability’ around them. To access the Generator’s wealth of energy and power, it must be asked for so the Generator’s Sacral Center can respond.
Emanating through their aura is the Generator’s persevering power of their creative life force that draws others to them like a magnet, while their Sacral response sets clear personal boundaries.
Generators must wait until something comes toward them so that their Sacral can either fully embrace it or remain closed to it. A Sacral sound: ‘ah-huh’ carries enough energy to complete the task or honor the request, while an ‘uhn-uh’ is a ‘no’ and warns against committing.
Your role to build and work gives you access to the energy required to fulfill that role as long as they use your strategy to respond
For Generators, life is renewed with each response because each decision moves you along the path toward the perfection of your unique potential.
Your aura is magnetic and enveloping and people around you can feel your vast resources for getting things done. Your magnetizing aura draws others in, provoking them to ask You to be part of their projects, spend time with them, or help them carry out their vision. And Generator, though you are a worker bee, you are not here to do any ole work; you are not designed to labor for just anyone who requests your time and energy. Generators, be selective about how you share your valuable life force and only say ‘yes’ to what makes YOU feel energized, expansive, and lit up… because this is what the Sacral energy you generate will support with flow and ease.
Generators, each day you wake up with a reservoir of fresh energy, ready to be utilized in activities that genuinely satisfy you. Imagine this energy as a discerning force — it’s like having a fuse that can ‘blow out’ or become depleted if you say ‘yes’ to things that don’t truly excite you. Just as overloading a circuit can lead to a blown fuse, pushing yourself into tasks that don’t align with your genuine interests may lead to burnout. Be mindful of your energy. Become wise about your way of being, energetically.
Generator, when you engage in things that light you up, your life force multiplies, feeding you and uplifting everyone who comes into contact with your enthusiasm and joy.
Generators, you are designed to respond with your Sacral Center either through sounds or as a vibration that arises to your throat from your midsection.
Generators, your responses are based on the availability of their Sacral energy to do what you have been asked.
You are here to ‘generate’ from a place of joy and satisfaction.
You are here to learn about yourself and discover the role, work, and activities that excite and energize you.
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash
Generator, your energy is not designed to put your head down and do something you don’t love.
Your open and enveloping aura is designed to draw questions from others. You get to watch and wait and relax into living.
The creative life force energy of your defined Sacral Center attracts to you different people and opportunities, and the only thing you need to do is to respond to these opportunities.
An important lesson for Generators is to trust that life will come to them and be open about the opportunities that present themselves. You don’t need to “go out there and make things happen”, but rather trust that if you respond to life, the path will be revealed to you
Generators, your energy moves powerfully and consistently in one direction, therefore once you have committed to a task or a direction, you may notice that you cannot quickly change gears. You may need to be asked again or come to a complete stop on your current project before being given something else to respond to. Be mindful of how this is for you — what are your energetic needs when it comes to disconnecting and pivoting?
Frustration is the guidepost that reminds you to return to your one-of-a-kind responsive life.
The way your aura works, you want to wait until you’re fully empowered and clear in your response before acting.
Generators, you have a lot of energy, and are a creative force, however, you are not designed to initiate. When you initiate, the energy gets stuck and can’t move forward. In this case, it may seem that you moved from flow/response life, into your mind, and eventually, you may end up exhausting your energy with no satisfaction.
Generators, there is time for everything if you wait, and you can respond to anything as long as it is coming towards you.
Your mind cannot determine things for you… like, what you should eat. You need to be asked or to hear what is on the menu so you can respond.
Note: asking yourself questions, talking to yourself in the mirror, or responding to questions you have written down, is NOT THE SAME as responding to something coming toward you from the outside. These attempts are not likely to bring you to your inner truth. You need to respond to what’s coming TOWARDS you.
Due to your strategy, you will likely deal with mental fears.
You are here to Generate and burn off the day’s supply of energy.
Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should
Plateaus are a necessary part of your process.
You are on a quest for depth and mastery of how your energy works.
As a Generator, you have energy only for what you are meant to do. A response comes spontaneously through your body, letting you know. How this response feels for you as a Generator, may be unique to you; get to know what sensation or body’s guidance.
Your aura does not function for you to chase things or force. You thrive when you wait until something crosses your path, feel a physical response that attracts and propels you forward, and move in that direction.
The Sacral is a motor, which means it is either on or off. Your Sacral response tells you what you have the energy for and what you don’t. It tells you whether you have the energy to pursue things or not. It is always taking you towards what lights you up. NOTE: The Sacral is not concerned with how things will end, or make clear why you’re attracted to something; it simply is what it is. But the sacral tells no lies.
Try not to get too caught up on outcomes; enjoy the process. Enjoy how you are doing. Enjoy the moment-to-moment experience of your activities and energy outlets.
Generators’ energy may be endless, but that’s only when they enjoy what they’re doing.
You have two primary focuses in life: work and family.
Each Type can relax into their Strategy with confidence when they understand and allow their aura to do the work for them.
Mastering this level of auric communication between Types begins with following our Strategy.
Pure Generator Aura
Strategy: wait to respond
The Generator’s strategy to wait to “respond” is crucial as it aligns with their unique energetic design and helps them navigate life more authentically.
Here’s how:
1. Energy Conservation: Generators wake up with a fresh reservoir of energy each day. By responding instead of initiating, they conserve and utilize their energy more efficiently. This prevents unnecessary burnout that may occur if they are constantly pushing themselves to initiate actions.
2. Alignment with Authenticity: The strategy of responding encourages Generators to engage in activities and opportunities that genuinely resonate with them. By waiting for external cues or invitations, they align their energy with what truly excites or satisfies them, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.
3. Avoiding Frustration: Generators may experience frustration when their energy is not channeled into activities that align with their true desires. Following the response strategy helps them avoid this frustration by ensuring they invest their energy where it matters most to them.
4. Increased Satisfaction: When Generators respond to opportunities, they often find themselves in roles or situations that bring them greater satisfaction. This satisfaction contributes to a positive cycle of energy generation, enhancing their overall well-being.
5. Enhanced Relationships: Generators, by responding, naturally create more harmonious and authentic relationships. Others sense their genuine engagement, and collaborations or connections tend to be more fruitful when initiated from a place of response rather than force.
The strategy wait to respond supports Generators in utilizing their energy effectively, fostering authenticity, minimizing frustration, increasing satisfaction, and building more meaningful connections in their lives.
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
Pure Generators — Aura Care
We all have a way to care for our energy field. Below are some ideas on ways that Generators can care for their Aura. By incorporating these practices, or some like them, Pure Generators can maintain the integrity of their aura, ensuring a sustained and vibrant life force that supports their overall well-being.
1. Honoring Response: Prioritize activities and opportunities that align with your authentic interests. Allow yourself the time to respond and resonate with what genuinely excites you before committing.
2. Avoiding Forced Yes: Refrain from saying “yes” to things that don’t resonate with your Sacral response. Trust your gut instincts, and don’t be afraid to decline commitments that don’t genuinely spark your passion.
3. Physical Activity: Engage in physical activities that allow you to release built-up energy and maintain a healthy flow. Exercise and movement can be particularly beneficial for Generators to discharge excess energy.
4. Regular Rest: Ensure you get sufficient rest and sleep to recharge your energy. Generators thrive when they are well-rested, and adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining a balanced and vibrant aura.
5. Reflective Practices: Incorporate reflective practices like journaling or meditation to check in with your energy levels and emotional state. This self-awareness can help you navigate situations that may impact your aura. It can also help establish mastery of your energy.
6. Boundaries: Set clear boundaries to protect your energy. Communicate openly about your capacity and avoid over-committing to responsibilities that could drain your life force.
Additional Tips:
Generators, your sacral sounds are clear, objective, honest, and moment-to-moment mechanical response that connects you directly to your TRUTH, revealing who you are at a deeper level, and what you love and value. If you don’t notice yourself making Sacral sounds, it may have been “cut off” earlier in your life, like during childhood years. It’s not too late, tune into the sensations of your body for guidance.
Though your Strategy is to respond, that does not mean in the meantime you should be idle. For you, you live in response — by literally responding to life in all ways. For example, waiting to respond can look like retreating from a growling dog or choosing to go outside because you see the sun is out. You respond from the moment you get out of bed in the morning until you fall back into bed at night. We are constantly processing information — everything we experience through our senses asks for a response. We walk down the street and pass a store. Do you go in? You meet someone at an event. Do you converse? It’s important to learn to trust your unique guidance system, regarding what is correct for you. But know, you live in response!
Though Generators have access to this abundance of energy, there may be times during a process when they hit a plateau of energy along the way. Eventually, all Generators hit an energy plateau; it’s a normal part of their process. Plateauing is normal for Generators, and it is a phase of learning, energy integration, and growth. The plateau can be dangerous for the Generator that does not understand their energy. Many Generators tend to quit when they are on the plateau, failing to recognize that the plateau is simply a normal part of the Generator process. So Generator, when you hit these “stuck points,” don’t automatically quit. Remember your why and allow for something to come towards you that you can respond to and get the energy back going in the way you’re being soul-guided to!
You make aligned decisions by drawing in and responding to life’s opportunities.
It is imperative that you (1) know yourself well enough to recognize whether you are energized or drained, and (2) cultivate a solid connection to your inner ‘yes’ and ‘no’ mechanisms.
The aura of Pure Generators is a vibrant, life-infused energy that hums with a consistent and sustainable force. It radiates a powerful magnetism, drawing opportunities and experiences toward the Generator. Operating on a regular, pulsating frequency, the Pure Generator’s aura serves as a beacon for the right circumstances to respond to, fueling their dynamic engagement with life. This magnetic field is a space of enduring vitality, allowing Pure Generators to immerse themselves fully in the present moment and respond authentically to the opportunities that align with their innate gifts and passions.
When we say that Generators are here to generate, we are referring to the inherent life force and energy that Generators possess. In the context of Human Design, “generate” doesn’t solely refer to creating physical things but rather to actively engage with and contribute to the world through the consistent and sustainable energy that Generators have.
Generators have a defined Sacral Center, providing them with a reliable source of vitality. The idea is that by following their strategy (waiting to respond to what truly resonates with them) and leveraging their Sacral response, Generators naturally generate energy and momentum as they involve themselves in activities and work that align with their authentic interests. This process allows them to contribute meaningfully, both to their own fulfillment and to the world around them.
Generators are here to generate
They thrive when they are actively participating in and contributing their energy to activities and pursuits that genuinely ignite THEIR passion and align with THEIR authentic selves.
When I consider the information from the Human Design System and observations from human behavior, I realize that our conditioning may make some of these ‘simple’ tasks feel complicated and challenging. The Human Design System acknowledges this!
As you experiment with the System and practice living in alignment with your strategy, understand that it is a Practice. For some of us, our body will remember quickly, for others, some deconditioning will need to take place before we can hear our truth clearly — regardless, I want to encourage you to give yourself a chance at a magical life. A life where you live in alignment with your subjective truth and unique design.
My Dear Generator friends —
Generators relax into responding,
Manifestors initiate,
Projectors guide,
Reflectors reflect,
and as we all play our divine roles, may the level of satisfaction and authenticity in this world be forever changed, for our greatest good.
I Love You! Thanks for being here.
Bunnel, L. & Ra Uru Hu. 2011. The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation. HDC Publishing
Lieberman, Rachel. A Modern Guide to Human Design