My Love:
I know that sometimes this journey can feel like a lot.
There are moments where things feel challenging and overwhelming.
There are moments where we make choices and then feel regret, shame, and guilt about those choices.
And there may be moments where you’ll witness aspects of yourself you didn’t know were there.
Can I remind you of your humanity?
Can I remind you of your ability to make “not so great choices” and still be worthy of love?
Still, be whole, and always enough?
You see, this journey of awareness and liberation is about remembering the truth of your divinity.
You are a divine being, here on earth, at this time, for a purpose. Every choice. Every decision. Every moment is part of your path of remembrance.
May you be kind to yourself.
May you be gentle with yourself.
May you laugh at yourself.
May you forgive yourself.
And HAVE FUN! So much fun!
Trust that nothing is ever wasted.
As long as you are alive, there is likely an opportunity to create love-filled change— choose THAT. Choose THAT, as much as possible. And in those moments where you don’t, may you respond to yourself in love.
Invite in awareness, reflection, and calm.
You’ve experienced a lot of conditioning in this lifetime…
we all have ...
And we carry with us so much history; in fact, generations of history—
Be gentle with yourself.
Be kind to yourself.
Give yourself grace, because you are worthy of it.
Allow compassion.
Allow love.
Allow forgiveness.
This is not about always getting it right, or always keeping the peace— it’s about a willingness to choose love!
A willingness to release the stories about who you say you are, that aren’t truths,
A willingness to rediscover aspects of yourself that have laid dormant.
Through compassion and gentleness, we awaken to the Love that we are; the truth of who and what we are…
We stop holding ourselves captive to stories and expectations that don’t serve our highest good.
Friend, let go!
Breathe into each moment. And as you breathe deep, choose compassion.
Let go…And
Choose compassion. Choose liberation. Choose forgiveness.
I love you.
I’m rooting for you.
Always. In all ways.
Here’s to a life filled with compassion and love-filled choices 💜