πŸ’« Take The Leap

Courage Looks Good On You

My Dearest You:

Oh, the joy I feel as I write this.  Thank you for showing up and allowing me to connect with you.  

There are times in life when taking a risk is better left for another day.  

Other times are perfect for taking the leap, no matter how scary and dangerous it may seem.  

Hold tight, Love, today is the day to take a leap!  

Realize that no matter what, Spirit will not let you fall, drown, get lost, or hurt yourself in any way; let go and go forth.  Even if it may feel like you're in free fall, Spirit is here for you, and you can stop freaking out about getting hurt, messing up, or getting it wrong.  

Relax into the transition to something new.

This is your season.  

This is the time.  

No matter what it might look like, trust that all is Divine and you are guided and supported.  

All the elements are in place, and your soul is ready for a new experience.  No matter where you are on your journey, and what your concerns are, know that it is safe to take the risk and do that thing that scares you.  No matter what happens, you will land softly, right on target.  Don’t worry about the outcome - Spirit got you covered.  

Always. In all ways.  

It’s taking the leap itself that's the point.

&& Courage looks good on you, and I love to witness it!



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