The Soul Crafting Program is an intuitive and custom one-on-one coaching and educational experience guiding you to remember your authentic Self
Law of Attraction Technique: Manifestation Box
The Manifestation Box is a law of attraction tool used to call forth that which you desire. At the foundation of this tool is the concept that energy flows, where intention goes, and the Manifestation Box exists as a living testimony to this.
Understanding Your Human Design Chart
This blog post is an invitation for any Human Design beginner. It will gently introduce you to aspects of the human design chart that will support you in beginning to experiment.
💫 Take The Leap
There are times in life when taking a risk is better left for another day. Other times are perfect for taking the leap, no matter how scary and dangerous it may seem.
Hold tight, Love, today is the day to take a leap!
💫 Acknowledgment
Life can be challenging. There are systems and policies in place, norms you’re expected to accept, and a culture centered on white supremacy and capitalism!
Exploring the Human Design System - Part 2
The heart and soul of the Human Design System lie in the potential awakening that is available to you through actually living your unique design. Human design helps move us out of the mind, into connecting with the body consciousness.
Exploring the Human Design System - Part 1
Each of us is meant to be different from everyone else. We are here to live our lives and express our truths in our unique way. The Human Design System can be perceived as similar to a “User’s Guide.” It is a tool that gives insight into how you can live in energetic alignment with your unique TRUTH.
💫 Change Is Upon You
The funny thing is that courage doesn't get mustard in the absence of fear, rather despite it or even because of it. Things may be stirred up and change is upon you, but please know— This is a cause for celebration.
💫 Move Through Discomfort
Things may be stirred up and change is upon you, but please know— This is a cause for celebration. All you need to concern yourself with is choosing courage as your ally; leave the rest up to Spirit.
Refocus Your Energy
I have been coming into contact with people who have expressed that they “lost their creative energy,” are feeling ‘blocked,’ or that they have been experiencing depressive-like symptoms, and they wanted support with shifting the energy. I created this blog post to share some ideas on things you can do, or refrain from doing, to refocus your energy and give yourself an energetic reset (because it’s all energy).