The Human Design System: Manifesting Generator Aura Type
Photo by Murilo Bahia on Unsplash
Describing Aura Types at the macro level provides a foundational understanding, but it’s important to note that individuals within each Type can still have unique variations and expressions based on other factors in their Human Design chart. As you delve deeper into the system, you can explore nuances and individual variations that contribute to a more personalized understanding.
My motivation with these articles, highlighting the characteristics of each Type’s Aura, is to help others understand and know how their Aura works, so they can be more intentional about how they go about life.
When I understood my Aura’s characteristics and started paying attention to my life, I noticed the areas where my failure to follow my Strategy resulted in me feeling exhausted. When I would guide people without them inviting me, I could feel their Aura close up and reject my “probing.”
When it “clicks,” how your Aura operates, for me I have a focused, penetrating aura, then you know how to be around folks a little differently. Not different from hiding who you are, but different in the sense of how you engage with people and spaces. You understand what others may be experiencing in your presence, even if they can’t describe it.
And when you know about that Emotional Theme of your Type, and you find yourself feeling angry (Manifestor) then you’re likely to think — wait let me check in with me… what’s this about. Because now you have this awareness, and so now you can choose differently.
Understanding how my Aura communicates helped me understand myself and my desires on a deeper level. I hope that you have some “ah-ha” moments that invite you to more flow and experiences of abundance in your life.
Most things you desire or feel called towards are for your well-being, and if you follow your Strategy and Authority, I think many of you will witness that. You’ll be supported in your evolution by honoring your Strategy. Which is part of the decision plan for your Aura Type.
Table of Contents
About the Aura
Manifesting Generators: role, characteristics, vibes
Manifesting Generator’s Aura
Notes for Mani Gens
Additional Tips
Notes for Generators with Emotional Authority
How following the Strategy helps this Aura Type
Aura Care
Dear Mani-Gens
This article highlights the Aura of Manifesting Generator Type.
In the Human Design System, Type concerns the body, our genetics, and our aura.
Each Type defines a particular mode of operating energetically as a prime auric frequency.
The Aura IS you. How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control — the way your Aura operates.
— Andrea Abay-Abay, from JOVIAN ARCHIVE
There is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding and extending outward from every living thing. In the case of human beings, that field extends about two arm lengths in every direction from the body and is considered our Aura.
Through our Auras, we communicate with those around us. Auric connectivity is a powerful and non-verbal form of communication that cannot be ignored.
Your aura holds the key to how you interact with the world. Understanding the mechanisms of your aura is not just an exploration of personal energy; it is a gateway to a life in harmony.
If we understand and honor the key differences between Types at an auric level, we create the potential to interact and communicate successfully and amicably with one another on all levels.
The Aura ! The Aura! The Aura!
Focus on the Aura!
Manifesting Generators
Role: The Impact Creator; Trailblazer
Aura Characteristics: open, magnetic, enveloping, dynamic
Vibes: Energetic, good at finding shortcuts, sustainable energy, multi-taskers, multi-passionate, freedom, expansion, innovation, speed, flow, excitement, inspire, multi-faceted
What makes a Manifesting Generator: a defined Sacral center and a connection from direct any one of the four motors (Heart, Sacral, Root, or Solar Plexus) to the Throat
Manifesting Generator’s Aura
The aura of a Manifesting Generator is dynamic, multifaceted, and enveloping. It projects a compelling, initiating energy that draws people and opportunities toward them.
Manifesting Generators thrive when their actions align with their authentic desires, leading to a magnetic and impactful presence in their interactions with the world. Mani-Gens are designed to wait for external cues from the Universe to confirm their ideas are supported. They respond first, then initiate.
From experience, I would describe their aura as big, impactful, inspiring, a bit chaotic (sometimes), energized, quick moving, resourceful, fun, overwhelming
I believe that understanding our Aura is a game changer because it helps us utilize our energy most efficiently, and helps to understand our impact on others.
Let’s explore more about the Manifesting Generator’s Aura a/k/a Mani-Gens.
Also, Mani-Gens,
feel free to look at information on both Pure Generators and Manifestors, as some of those notes may resonate for you.
You are a Generator at the core with Manifestor qualities; you are here to create and build.
Manifesting Generators have magnetic and enveloping auras with consistent daily energy for getting things done.
You are designed with a defined Sacral Center, the creative life force energy, that attracts to you different people and opportunities, and the only thing that you need to do is to respond to these opportunities.
LET’S BE CLEAR. Your aura, with its magnetism, attracts other people and compels them to ask you to contribute to their vision.
The Manifesting Generator is here to generate something of impact, to generate the life and the world we live in, and also to transform it, to transmute, to innovate, and to open new doors. You generate life through your Sacral response.
The Sacral Motor, like any motor, has an on and off, yes turns it on, and no keeps it off…
Mani-Gen, you are advised to wait to respond– this may look like pausing until your body signals to you that it is energized and excited by something that has crossed your path.
Your Sacral response tells you what you have energy for or don’t.
As an energy type, the manifesting Generator has components from both the Manifestor and the Generator — and so your aura has elements of both. Just like the Generator, the manifesting Generator has a reliable workforce (sacral center) that generates sustainable energy. In addition to that, they also have an impacting element, a motor center connected to the throat center, just like the Manifestor has.
Due to your connection to your throat, unlike Generators, you are designed to be able to pivot your energy. This ability to pivot allows you to skip a step in your process, see what happens, and backtrack if it doesn’t work out. Through your pivots, you gain intel on which part of a process has to be done and which does not. You are here to optimize, innovate, and learn which steps can be skipped. Manifesting Generators, you are fast. You can move quickly and multi-task like no other. Many may think that you are “all over,” but that’s how you are designed to be. You are fast and have a lot of energy. Your energy type is designed to create, multi-task, and find shortcuts to their generative and creative process.
You may say yes to things, and once you start, realize that it is not correct for you… lean into that. You often know if something is correct after you have started.
You have the natural manifesting ability to jump directly into action, however, you are a GENERATOR TYPE, so your Sacral motor is the foundation of your existence. You must wait to respond to ensure you have the energy to carry out a task.
Your aura can become closed, repelling, and impacting when you are in action and focused on doing something. This has the purpose of preventing interference by energetically pushing obstacles out of the way (very much giving Manifestor vibes).
Photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your open and enveloping Aura draws life toward you; Your aura is incredibly magnetic.
Manifesting Generators, are known to be the busiest Type and can be intense energetically. You are extremely dynamic and powerful people. An asset to the mainstream due to your ability to find the fastest and most efficient ways to get things done.
You are notorious for finding shortcuts to mastery. Known to be a multi-tasker and a quick mover.
Manifesting Gen success doesn’t come from initiating– like the Generator, you’ll have to wait for the correct opportunities to introduce themselves so you can respond.
A HUGE lesson for Manifesting Generators (Generators, generally) is to trust that life will come to them and be open about the opportunities that present themselves. You don’t need to “go out there and make things happen”, but rather trust that if you respond to life, the path will be revealed to you.
Mani Gens often finds joy in trying new things and squeezing the most out of life.
Manifesting Generators, you must also inform like the Manifestors to stabilize the energy around you. Informing will decrease the resistance that you feel from others.
Because of the motor connection to their throat Center, Mani Gens tend to bypass their sacral sounds.
Be selective about what you commit to. You are designed to lend your energy only to what nourishes you.
You can end up frustrated and drained when you say ‘yes’ to things that do not truly excite you or do not allow you to pursue everything you feel passionate about.
When you feel energized, you inspire everyone around you.
You defy labels, you are designed to show what is possible.
Mani-Gens are here to learn that the focus of their life isn’t on what people think of them, but HOW THEY FEEL about what they spend their time and energy doing.
Healthy exhaustion is an indicator that you’re honoring your inner guidance! If you haven’t spent your day doing what you enjoy, you may find yourself feeling anxious and restless when it’s time to go to bed.
Mani Gens manifests their success through honoring what lights them up AND can generate and create quite quickly ( I am impressed by your being).
Mani Gens are fueled by doing what they love and are here to ‘generate’ from a place of joy and satisfaction. They tap into their abundant source of creative energy from their Sacral.
You are designed to learn yourself and what lights you up.
You are not a separate Aura Type of your own, and you have no built-in right to manifestation. You are a Generator with manifesting potential.
– Andrea Abay-Abay, from JOVIAN ARCHIVE
Additional Tips:
Mani Gen, your aura is expansive and inviting, you do not need to chase your desires. Your energy field communicates to the world that you need something that will enable you to respond to it. Your magnetic aura will bring the perfect inspiration and opportunities at the perfect moment.
Let go of trying to figure out how it will all come together
You are designed to be doing more than one thing at a time. If you don’t get to express that part of your energy, it can be unhealthy for you, and you can end up feeling frustrated and angry.
Follow the flow of the projects that feel good as they unfold satisfyingly.
Don’t be so focused on getting the task done; enjoy the process.
Due to your motor to the Throat, you respond to things quite quickly. However, once a response is made, you should stop and envision your next decision. You will do well if your ideas are imagined first for a visualized outcome before actually doing them.
As a Mani-Gen, your passion will be the most profitable part of your business.
Mani Gens often needs help triaging their time and energy. You want to be sure you’re not doing everything just because you can.
Be mindful that frustration is part of your learning curve. When you are experiencing frustration, tap in, what is that emotion making you aware of?
Remember to inform others(within the area of impact) of your plans before acting. Inform, not ask permission.
When you embrace the practice of responding rather than initiating, you liberate yourself to engage in work you genuinely love.
You’re here to engage in energizing activities until you feel you’ve gotten everything you need out of the experience and then move on.
Trust your inner guidance; logic is not your inner guide. You are not designed to be logical; you’re here to expand and test the boundaries of what’s possible.
Be mindful of seeking validation and outside expertise for decision-making. Get in tune with your Authority and body.
The people in your life must give you the space to pivot, change, and seek shortcuts.
You’re designed to commit to evolution, shortcuts, pivots, expansion, and passion.
You have to wait for something you can respond to before leaping into action. This is you waiting for a sign or signal that the timing is right before acting.
The Sacral’s response is your TRUTH.
Manifesting Gens tend to sit on plateaus before they have a breakthrough; this is not always a sign that you should QUIT. Sitting on plateaus may be expressed as you go through periods where it seems like your progress has slowed or you’re in a state of temporary stagnation. During these plateaus, you might feel a bit stuck or unsure about the next steps in your journey. However, these plateaus are not indicative of permanent stagnation. Instead, they often precede a breakthrough or a surge of energy leading to significant progress. It’s part of your unique energy pattern, where you may need these moments of apparent stillness to gather the momentum required for the next phase of activity. For Manifesting Generators, understanding and accepting these plateaus as a natural part of your energetic rhythm can be empowering. It can encourage you to trust the process, be patient with yourself, and recognize that the lull is temporary. When the breakthrough comes, it often brings a surge of energy, inspiration, and a clearer direction for your endeavors.
“Envisioning before implementing action, as a Manifesting Generator, will help you figure out if something truly aligns with your path or not.”
― Robin S. Baker
Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash
Notes for Generators with Emotional Authority:
Strategy describes a tactic that you can use, or plan to implement, to help smoothen your ride in life. You respond to something from your gut and then you inform those who are affected about what you are up to. If you have emotional inner authority, your response will start an emotional wave that makes it necessary to wait for clarity. Once you have clarity, you inform those who need to know.
Emotional Generators are those who have a defined Sacral Center with an Emotional Authority.
They experience emotional highs and lows that can influence their responses and choices. Their decision-making process is typically guided by the awareness and clarity they gain during their emotional wave.
Follow your emotional wave.
This will reveal new perspectives on a decision or situation at each point along the way. Staying with the wave as it cycles, and not rushing into a decision or immediate action, adds depth to your life, and clarity to your decision. Through this waiting, you gain a deeper understanding of your true desires and make decisions that are in alignment with your true nature.
With emotional authority, you are waiting until you reach a state of relative neutrality, which allows for expanded awareness and viewing the decision from multiple angles.
Each Type can relax into their Strategy with confidence when they understand and allow their aura to do the work for them.
How following the Strategy helps this Aura Type
Mastering this level of auric communication between Types begins with following our Strategy.
photo by @mparzuchowski
Manifesting Generator Aura
Strategy: wait to respond
The Manifesting Generator’s strategy to wait and “respond” is crucial as it aligns with their unique energetic design and helps them navigate life in alignment with their true nature.
Here’s how:
1. Energy Conservation: Waiting to respond allows Manifesting Generators to conserve their energy by engaging in activities that truly resonate with them. This prevents unnecessary expenditure of energy on pursuits that don’t align with their authentic desires.
2. Aligned Actions: Responding ensures that Mani-Gens initiate actions based on external cues or opportunities that naturally excite them. This alignment between their actions and genuine interests leads to more fulfilling and sustainable endeavors.
3. Preventing Burnout: Manifesting Generators thrive when they honor their response rather than forcing actions. By avoiding the frustration and burnout that may arise from pushing themselves into activities that don’t align, they maintain a healthier energetic harmony.
4. Increased Success Rates: Actions initiated after a response tend to have a higher success rate for Mani-Gens. The energy invested in activities that align with their desires is more likely to yield positive outcomes and contribute to a sense of accomplishment.
5. Clarity and Intuition: Waiting to respond allows Mani-Gens to tap into their clarity and intuition. It provides a pause for reflection, helping them make more informed decisions and navigate situations with greater awareness.
6. Enhanced Relationships: Following the response strategy also positively influences relationships. Mani-Gens naturally draw in people and opportunities that align with their energy, fostering more harmonious connections.
7. Adaptability: Embracing the strategy of responding enhances Manifesting Generators’ adaptability. They learn to navigate the unfolding of events and opportunities with greater flexibility, leading to a more resilient and successful approach to life.
The strategy of waiting to respond allows Manifesting Generators to align their actions with their authentic desires, conserve energy, prevent burnout, and enhance the overall quality of their experiences and relationships.
Photo by Aleksandar Cvetanovic on Unsplash
Aura Care
Though the Mani-Gens have an abundant source of energy, it is not endless. Mani-Gens must manage their energy well, by engaging in what I call Aura Care. Just because you can. You are susceptible to burnout when your dynamic and energetic nature is not properly honored or when certain patterns are not recognized.
Here are some factors that may contribute to a Manifesting Generator feeling burnt out:
1. Ignoring Sacral Response: Manifesting Generators have a defined Sacral Center, and it’s crucial for you to honor your gut response before committing to actions. Ignoring this response and overcommitting to tasks that don’t align with your true desires can lead to burnout.
2. Forcing Action: Mani Gens thrive on activities that align with their passions and interests. Forcing yourself into tasks or projects that don’t resonate can drain your energy and contribute to burnout.
3. Overcommitting: You have a tendency to take on multiple projects simultaneously due to your ability to handle various tasks. However, overcommitting without considering the impact on your energy levels can lead to exhaustion.
4. Resistance to Rest: You may resist taking breaks or resting when needed. Your energy might make them feel the need to keep going, but neglecting rest can contribute to burnout over time. This reminds me of a circuit breaking.
5. Lack of Recognition: Manifesting Generators thrive when their unique skills and contributions are recognized. Feeling undervalued or unacknowledged in your efforts can lead to frustration and eventual burnout.
6. Inconsistent Activities: Engaging in activities that lack continuity or purpose may leave you feeling unfulfilled and eventually burnt out. You thrive on sustained, meaningful endeavors. Impact matters to you.
7. Unresolved Frustration: You can experience frustration when your energy is not channeled into activities that align with your desires. Repeated frustration without resolution can contribute to burnout.
8. Feeling frustrated, angry, and impatient when results are not forthcoming: You are designed to be dynamic and engage in activities that align with your desires. When you encounter obstacles, delays, or situations that impede your progress, frustration can build up. If this frustration is persistent and not addressed, it can lead to a cycle of burnout. If you push yourself harder in an attempt to overcome obstacles but don’t get the desired results, this continuous effort can deplete your energy. It’s crucial to recognize the signs of frustration and impatience and, instead of forcing actions, take a step back. You may need to reevaluate your approach, allow time for reflection, and consider if adjustments or changes are needed. This conscious approach can prevent the accumulation of stress and help maintain a healthier energy balance, reducing the risk of burnout.
Understanding and addressing these factors allows Manifesting Generators to navigate their lives in a way that supports their unique energy dynamics, reducing the chances of burnout, and fostering a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.
Sigh, well that was fun!
When I consider the information from the Human Design System and observations from human behavior, I realize that our conditioning may make some of these ‘simple’ tasks feel complicated and challenging. The Human Design System acknowledges this!
As you experiment with the System and practice living in alignment with your strategy, understand that it is a Practice. For some of us, our body will remember quickly, for others, some deconditioning will need to take place before we can hear our truth clearly — regardless, I want to encourage you to give yourself a chance at a magical life. A life where you live in alignment with your subjective truth and unique design.
My Dear Manifesting Generator Friends —
Embrace the vibrant energy that courses through your being! Your dynamic aura is a beacon, drawing in opportunities that align with your passions.
Remember, each pause is a moment of potential, each response a step toward fulfillment. Your ability to navigate the twists of life with enthusiasm is your strength.
Trust the process, honor your unique rhythm, and let your dynamic spirit illuminate your path. You’re not just creating a life; you’re sculpting a masterpiece.
With energizing vibes,
Your Projector Homie, Charliie
I Love You! Thanks for being here.
Bunnel, L. & Ra Uru Hu. 2011. The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation. HDC Publishing
Lieberman, Rachel. A Modern Guide to Human Design
Understanding Human Design by Karen Curry