The Human Design System: Manifestor Aura Type
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash
Hello Friends & Fellow Experimenters –
Here is another article grounded in The Human Design System. I have decided to do an article for each Human Design Aura Type where we highlight the characteristics and Mechanics of the Aura, and how the Strategy supports it.
This article highlights the Aura of Manifestor Types.
In the Human Design System, Type concerns the body, our genetics, and our aura.
Each Type defines a particular mode of operating energetically as a prime auric frequency.
What we communicate through the aura is determined by our body’s genetic makeup, which we see defined in our BodyGraph.
There is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding and extending outward from every living thing. In the case of human beings, that field extends about two arm lengths in every direction from the body and is considered our Aura.
Through our Auras, we communicate with those around us. Auric connectivity is a powerful and non-verbal form of communication that cannot be ignored.
Your aura holds the key to how you interact with the world. Understanding the mechanisms of your aura is not just an exploration of personal energy; it is a gateway to a life in harmony.
If we understand and honor the key differences between Types at an auric level, we create the potential to interact and communicate successfully and amicably with one another on all levels.
In this article, we’ll delve into the details of how the Manifestor’s Aura operates. And how their Strategy acts as a loyal companion, supporting their aura, so that the Manifestor can navigate the world effectively, energetically, and in the most authentic way.
The Manifestor’s aura is like a dynamic forcefield, pushing outward with an initiating energy that can be both impactful and assertive. It projects a sense of independence and decisiveness, signaling their ability to bring change and innovation to their surroundings. This aura carries an assertive frequency that, when understood and harnessed, allows Manifestors to navigate the world as potent catalysts for transformation. However, its initiating nature can also be felt as a sense of intensity, highlighting the importance for Manifestors to communicate their intentions clearly (inform) and honor the impact of their energetic presence.
The Aura ! The Aura! The Aura!
Focus on the Aura!
Manifestor Aura Type
Role: The initiators, here to Lead; Initiate action from ideas and their inner creative flow
Aura Characteristics: selective, protective, repelling, closed
Vibes: independence, initiator, innovative, provoking, powerhouse, impact, action, solitude, originality, visionary, freedom, empowering
What makes a Manifestor: a connection from a motor center (the Heart, Sacral, Root, or Solar Plexus) to the Throat and an undefined Sacral
Initiating is their gift to the world.
Manifestor’s Aura
Manifestors have a focused and pushing aura. Their aura challenges or initiates. They are here to power through obstacles to create what they envision and desire. Manifestors are creative leaders and their auric field is designed to bring focus and attention to a space.
From experience, I would describe their aura as closed, repelling, challenging, unapproachable, and/or provoking.
Additional Aura Characteristics/Traits:
Manifestors do not have the Sacral Center definition (it’ll be white). They have a direct or indirect channel from a motor center (Root, Solar Plexus, or Ego) to the Throat Center
The most important thing to keep in mind as a Manifestor, which I have stated, is that you have a repelling and closed Aura that can read to others in different ways.
Manifestors have the gifts to be able to act independently, to initiate, and to impact others. However, these same gifts/qualities can be interpreted by others as threatening or unpredictable — making the other Types uncomfortable, and leading to overt attempts to control the Manifestor.
The closed and repelling Manifestor is here to affect other people, push outward, and impact the world. The Manifestor aura isn’t here to build a bridge to the other; it’s here to protect them from the influence of the other (You’re the G.O.A.T and Trailblazer).
Know that your Aura insulates you from the rest of the world for a Purpose.
Manifestor is the only pure doers among the Types.
They are trailblazers here to create movements, whether they are intentionally trying to or not.
Manifestors are here to innovate, start the sparkle and fire, initiate, and lead.
Manifestors are not here to be told what to do or not do, but by informing others they give others the chance to support them or be inspired into action.
Manifestors are designed to create independently and speak their desires into existence. They are designed to inform others about what they want to create.
Manifestors are most comfortable when left alone to do as they please, yet the other Types are waiting for the Manifestor to initiate them, or a new process, so each can contribute their essential part.
Manifestors may be great starters, but they are not necessarily “great finishers.” But then again, what is determined to be finished varies by person and Type (wink).
Manifestors often look to the other Types to provide the specific energy needed to complete what they themselves envision (and they are the ones to hold the vision).
Manifestors, lacking that consistent Sacral energy, thrive from the energy of other Types and find balance from their support.
Manifestor’s underlying pressure to impact, to make things happen, is the key to fulfilling their purpose.
Manifestor, your closed aura does not naturally embrace or take in others. Neither are you penetrable — which means others cannot easily get to know you well. This may cause some issues within your relationships. HOWEVER, following your Strategy opens the to clearer auric interactions between Types.
Manifestors’ closed aura also makes empathy difficult for them, as they operate so differently from most other people, and Manifestors often come across as blunt and rude because of this.
In Relationships, Manifestors (gender irrelevant) have to do the initiating to be correct. So if you like someone, you are advised to take the initiative, to pursue the person, and let them know what they feel, and what they want to envision.
This aura type is powerful and impactful, and Manifestors create ease and flow in their creative process when they communicate their ideas with those around them before preceding, this includes their plans, and how they’re going to go about it.
Manifestor, due to your very strong energetic aura that can be felt by others, your Strategy is to inform before You act. This way you can alleviate possible pushback from those around you. Because here’s the thing…
Manifestors, you have the ability to act independently, to initiate action, and to impact others.
Manifestors’ independence and closed, repelling aura, pushes their energy outward and is often experienced (and misinterpreted) by others as the Manifestors need to take control or be in charge of the situation.
Your repelling aura causes other auras to contract, putting people in a defensive or protective mode.
Photo by Edge2Edge Media on Unsplash
How following the Strategy helps this Aura Type
Mastering this level of auric communication between Types begins with following our Strategy.
Manifestor Aura
Strategy: to inform
Most interpersonal confusion or misunderstanding between Types are set up energetically, far below one’s level of consciousness before verbal communication is even initiated.
The Manifestor’s Strategy to inform helps break through these highly charged auric interactions and effectively opens the way to clear productive, and peaceful communication.
Strategy is important for this Aura Type because by informing, and thus replacing the resistance met from others, Manifestors find what they seek most in life — the peace to do what they want when they want!
Informing is how the Manifestors find the freedom from resistance that they need to manifest.
Though informing is not pleasant or natural for the Manifestors, life is easier when they learn to do it and do it effectively. It is only by informing they remove resistance from their path, and put others at ease aurically; without being passive or aggressive.
Informing becomes an acceptable, practical part of the decision-making process when you understand and embrace the impact they have on others. Logically it tends to make sense.
Manifestors, you do not need people in the way the other types do, so, you may not be too concerned about how others perceive you. However, Manifestors I wanted to make clear that you have an impact. People are watching you. They are waiting for your lead. And though you may not understand it, they care about what you’re doing! It’s just how the energies are vibrating.
Manifestor, in the end, informing is about showing respect for the other. When you don’t inform, others feel disrespected and ignored, whereas, informing dispels fear and builds trust which in turn dissolves the need for control on either side.
Your Authority will also impact how you express and show up. Manifestors must act out of their inner Truth and not from their mind.
Being a Manifestor is about breaking free from the safe routines of tradition; if you want a new world, you can have it created!
Dream and pursue your visions, do what you want and are here to do — just be sure to inform.
REMEMBER who you are. You are a changemaker who has the ability to ignite others into action.
Manifestors because of your selective aura, you will attract some people and repel those who aren’t correct for you. This is the universe’s natural filtering mechanism in motion.
If you are meeting a lot of resistance, and seeing yourself as a victim of control and punishment. Feeling restricted or powerless… these are the signs of the Not-Self activated.
The unease that others may feel about You is not personal, it’s vibrational.
For Manifestor Children, to honor their being, they need to be given a healthy amount of freedom of movement. They should also be taught their Strategy early on. Putting excessive controls on them forces them to rebel or become passive.
Make a list of those who might be impacted by your future decision before deciding to act.
Manifestor — Revisit what it was like during your childhood, consider the rejections or the times you refused to ask permission. Considering the circumstances and what you know about your Aura, can you witness/see that other people’s actions toward you were due to what they may have been feeling energetically and their understanding?
If you have a Manifestor in your life, don’t ask them for something or tell them what to do — simply put the information out there. They will either move into action or not. Ultimately, the next move is up to them.
Manifestor, embrace the idea of informing other people of your actions, even if you will never understand why it’s necessary (lol)
Manifestor, you are POWERFUL, you will always impact other people — can you accept this? I hope you’ll accept this.
If you have a Manifestor in your life, try making it a practice to inform them of how you’ll be moving.
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash
The Aura + Strategy at play
To put informing and impact into perspective, let’s say a Manifestor has agreed to help you with a project over 7 days. On day 3, in the middle of the day, Manifestor suddenly sees that they could utilize their time in a more effective and exciting way.
In their excitement, and with their vision leading, Manifestor packs up their stuff, places a note that they won’t be returning on the requester’s desk, says goodbye to everyone else, wishes them well, and walks out.
Everyone else then experiences what feels like chaos because they were not properly informed or prepared for the action of the Manifestor.
The requester is left without help, and the Manifestor’s fellow teammates are wondering what they did. The impact of the Manifestor’s unanticipated action will most likely meet with some form of resistance from those whose lives were affected by its abruptness.
The Manifestor had a plan of action and did not need anyone else’s advice or input to make & happen. Remembering to inform all of those who would be impacted by the decision, however, would not only have reduced resistance but also may have garnered the support needed to achieve the new vision in peace.
Informing paves the way for manifesting
Photo by Gary Butterfield on Unsplash
In order to evolve and fulfill our purpose as social beings, we must be able to communicate or commune with others.
To express our uniqueness with compassion, appreciating and respecting the uniqueness of others, is the byproduct of coming to deeply know and love ourselves.
As you embrace the commanding energy of your Manifestor aura, may you find empowerment in the uniqueness you bring to the world. Your ability to initiate change is a gift — wield it with confidence, lead boldly, and shape a reality that resonates with your authentic essence.
I love you downnnnnn… and always rooting for you the best life!
Understand and live in alignment with your Aura, and notice how different life is for you.
I Love You! Thanks for being here.
Manifestors, and those that love them… How does this resonate? What more would you like to know about?
External Resources:
Bunnel, L. & Ra Uru Hu. 2011. The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation. HDC Publishing
Lieberman, Rachel. A Modern Guide to Human Design