We’re okay. I think the problem is only in our mind
I think if we think about it, we’ll realize there are no problems; things just are.
Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash
I was sitting in my living room and reading emails. I thought about how I have no idea when I’ll be back to work and yet, here I am — chilled as a loved cucumber.
I cackled and thought — “Well, of course you’re fine, at this moment — nothing is happening. You are indeed fine. There is nothing to respond to. And any issues you do have are either you projecting into the future or looking at the past.”
Fair enough.
And I thought —
If tomorrow comes or — even an hour from now comes, and there is an “issue;” something you have to respond to, the solution will be there.
You’ll know at that moment your options because the Present is all you have to determine what you will actually do!
Sitting with that I think — where are the actual problems?!
It seems that life happens and we get to respond to it.
The thing is, many times we’re not living in the moment but all the ways that life can be “traumatizing.”
Very rarely do we consider how things can work for the good. How unexpected blessings can be ours. How that very thing we’re concerned about may not happen.
I don’t know about you — but every time I’ve had an issue, a solution was there. I could see my options and make a decision. No matter how “great” or how shitty the choices were — I had options and I moved from there.
And even my view of the choices is a perspective issue, not so much a true issue.
I think I say all of this to say — I don’t think we have problems, I think our perspective creates drama. When I think about my experience and all the times I lived from a place of fear, I realize that the situation was manageable, and any challenge I perceived was rooted in my mindset rather than in external circumstances.
It is what it is.
Life unfolds how it unfolds — and all we can do is respond.
This is this moment’s Charliie take… what say you? *smile*