The Human Design System: Reflector Aura Type
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
I have to say, I am not sure if I have ever been in the presence of a Reflector Aura Type, and yet, I feel I know them deeply. Between my studies, consultations with others (who ask about Reflectors), and my lived experience (with 4 Undefined/Open Centers), this information is what I have gathered.
I am in awe of Reflectors, their makeup just makes sense to me. When I learned about their Strategy and paid attention to the process, it appeared obvious to me what was happening and how it all played out. My intuition provided me with a visual of the energy shifts.
If you are a Reflector and would like an analysis of your chart, I would love to conduct one for no monetary cost. This offer will not only benefit you but myself as well. *smile*. If you’re down, message me.
Or, if you have questions or reflections from what you read here, please feel free to raise them.
Experimenting with Human Design is an ongoing thing, and as a person with a 1/3 profile, my investigations and lived experiences play a major role in my way of being. So, if you’re down, come hang with me in an experiment.
I will remove the offer for the “no-monetary cost” chart analysis out once I have accepted invitations and my energy advises me to stop.
About the Aura
Reflector Aura Type: Role, Characteristics, Vibes
Reflector’s Aura
Reflectors as Barometers
Notes for Reflectors
Aura & Strategy
Step-by-Step Guide for Lunar Authority
Recommendation: Moon Calendar
Not-Self (Disappointment)
Tips & Recommendation (Aura Care)
Letter to Reflectors
This article highlights the Aura of the Reflector Type.
In the Human Design System, Type concerns the body, our genetics, and our aura.
Each Type defines a particular mode of operating energetically as a prime auric frequency.
The Aura IS you. How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control — the way your Aura operates.
— Andrea Abay-Abay, from JOVIAN ARCHIVE
There is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding and extending outward from every living thing. In the case of human beings, that field extends about two arm lengths in every direction from the body and is considered our Aura.
Through our Auras, we communicate with those around us. Auric connectivity is a powerful and non-verbal form of communication that cannot be ignored.
Your aura holds the key to how you interact with the world. Understanding the mechanisms of your aura is not just an exploration of personal energy; it is a gateway to a life in harmony.
If we understand and honor the key differences between Types at an auric level, we create the potential to interact and communicate successfully and amicably with one another on all levels.
The Aura ! The Aura! The Aura!
Focus on the Aura!
Reflector Aura Type
Role: Here to amplify others’ energy and have discernment between what is and is not healthy or working; The Sacred Mirror; The Discerners, Here to elevate; The Sampling Observer
Aura Characteristics: Sampling and Resistant
Vibes: expansive, sensitive, timing, correct place–correct people, openness, truth, non-judgment, freedom, honesty, child-like, awe + surprise
What makes a Reflector: no defined channels or centers
Their ability to clearly discern the ‘this and that’ of the world is their gift.
Reflectors have all centers open and their chart looks almost empty. They are fully open to the world and others. Because there are no defined centers by design, Reflectors take in the energy of everybody else, seeing the world through others’ eyes, sampling a frequency of energy, and reflecting it to them.
Reflectors act as the barometer of humanity and can feel when we are working against ourselves and denying our true nature.
The aura of a Reflector is also characterized as ‘resistant,’ exhibiting two distinctive actions. Firstly, it selectively samples or ‘tastes’ the auras of those nearby, absorbing only a fragment of the received energy. Secondly, it mirrors back the entirety of what it absorbs from others. This resistant aura functions as a safeguard for Reflectors, shielding them from being inundated by the emotions and energies of those in their proximity.
I imagine the Reflector Aura to be very open… it’s like a container with a screw top at the base, where you can twist to release all the content in it, but when the content is inside, you get to enjoy it. I have an undefined G Center and often feel like I am everything and nothing, and I imagine that is what it’s like to be a Reflector. So much potential. So many experiences are available to them. And you get to experience and taste different aspects of life without attaching to them as if they define you. Sigh. It’s simply beautiful.
I believe that understanding our Aura is a game changer because it helps us utilize our energy most efficiently, and helps to understand our impact on others.
Let’s explore more about the Reflector’s Aura.
Reflectors are the rarest of the aura types, making up less than 1% of people. You are here to tune into your environment, adapt, and change, as you experience all the different types of energies that life has to offer.
All Reflectors have a completely undefined chart, with no centers defined (colored in). Instead of fixed definition, Reflectors have gate activations.
With your nine undefined centers, you can sample, as well as, magnify the frequencies of everything and everyone in your environment, giving you the potential to taste or sense what is really happening in a way no other Type can. The unique potential of your openness is to reflect everything around you with clarity, and as truth, which makes your openness an exceptional window to wisdom.
This also means, on your own, you have a clear, open, non-obtrusive presence.
Most undefined centers are seen as potentials for vulnerabilities. However, even with all nine centers undefined, you are not more vulnerable to conditioning than the other Types. Reflectors are, in fact, the most resilient of the four Types.
See, your Reflector aura is sampling and resistant, with the ability to resist taking in energy that doesn’t feel good to you. Your aura protects you from picking up too much conditioning from the world around you. Your aura protects you from identifying with anything that you take in through your openness.
Though Reflectors get to sample others’ aura. Their aura doesn’t absorb the auras of other people but rather samples them by taking in only a little bit of it — reading it — and reflecting it back. It’s a very non-judgemental and detached energy that protects you (Reflector) from fully merging with other people.
Open centers are a mirror for a defined center so without any definition as a Reflector, your entire being is here to mirror the energy around you back; that is the purpose of a Reflector.
As a Reflector, you are designed to take in the energy of others and temporarily experience an amplified version of their energy in your own body.
Your open energy centers allow you to feel immediately whether a place or a person is right for you or not.
You quickly pick up on the quality of energy they come in contact with daily.
You are here to be wise observers of life with an incredible gift for reading others and mirroring them back to themselves.
Your unique gift is your ability to provide a mirror for others, the environment, and the community around them; moving humanity forward.
Without a defined Sacral, you are considered a non-energy being. You do not have your own consistent source of energy but can be fueled by an amplified version of the energy you’ve picked up from others.
As a lunar being, not only are you conditioned daily by people around you, but you are also conditioned by the energy of the moon. Every day, the moon shifts through different gates that cause it to carry and transmit different energetic qualities. You take in and experience these lunar qualities inside your energetic field.
You are being influenced by both the people around you, and the lunar energy you’ve picked up and are experiencing within yourself.
Photo by Ali Yılmaz on Unsplash
Reflectors, with their open centers and receptive nature, embody a unique role as barometers in the vast landscape of humanity. Much like a sensitive instrument, they attune themselves to the collective energies and dynamics surrounding them. Reflectors possess an uncanny ability to feel the pulse of human interactions, detecting subtle shifts and nuances in the energetic climate.
As living barometers, Reflectors serve as a reflection of the collective consciousness. They resonate with the broader emotional currents and energies of the environment, offering valuable insights into the state of the collective psyche. When humanity veers away from its authentic path or denies its true nature, Reflectors, attuned to these shifts, feel the dissonance within the shared energetic field.
Their role as barometers isn’t just about sensing fluctuations; it extends to the potential for transformation. By keenly perceiving when we are working against ourselves or denying our inherent truths, Reflectors become catalysts for collective awareness and growth. Their ability to mirror the discord or alignment within society positions them as integral contributors to the ongoing evolution of human consciousness.
In essence, Reflectors, with their open, perceptive nature, act as living indicators of the collective energy, urging us to align with our authentic essence and harmonize with the true nature of humanity.
Manifestors, Generators, and Projectors are solar Types, meaning their purpose ‘shines’ through them. As a lunar type, the Reflector is designed to operate as a lunar reflection of the sun’s programming.
Many Reflectors navigate a life where conformity prevails, attempting to conform to roles that don’t resonate with their true selves due to a lack of understanding and encouragement. Faced with a seemingly unreceptive world, they may succumb to societal expectations merely to endure. However, by embracing their distinctiveness and cultivating detachment from the reflections they absorb, Reflectors can transcend the risk of feeling lost or entangled in the surrounding chaos. Embracing their unique position in the center, Reflectors can move from a sense of invisibility to confidently belonging and influencing their surroundings.
Reflectors are here to be accepting of others, to reflect the truth, and to teach the rest of us that most often what we judge as good or bad in the world is just a revelation of our diversity.
Reflectors must be Selective about the people they allow into their inner circle of friends and family.
Love is key to Reflector’s happiness.
You are designed differently and you’re allowed and INVITED to operate by a different set of rules than other aura types.
You may find it helpful to talk about your decisions with a trusted family member or friend, not to get their opinion but to simply allow your ideas to bounce off of them and come back to you; how does that feel?
The unimposing, non-intrusive nature of your auric presence also makes you particularly effective facilitators of the group process.
Reflectors, with their completely open centers in the Human Design chart, act as cosmic mirrors, absorbing a diverse spectrum of energies and behaviors from the people and environment around them. This openness provides you with a unique vantage point, allowing you to witness and understand a vast array of human experiences. Because Reflectors are like energetic sponges, soaking in the emotions, moods, and behaviors of those you encounter, you gain an unparalleled depth of insight and wisdom. This deep understanding stems from your ability to empathize with various perspectives, making you adept at recognizing patterns and nuances in human behavior. In essence, the complete openness of Reflectors grants them a panoramic view of the human condition. This breadth of experience contributes to their potential for profound wisdom, compassion, and a keen understanding of the intricacies of life. Reflectors can offer valuable perspectives and insights based on their observations and interactions with the world around them.
You are designed to be a vessel — a sacred container capable of gracefully receiving and reflecting the energies that surround you. Like a crystal-clear chalice, you can fill up with the diverse energies of the world, absorbing the nuances and subtleties of human experiences. Yet, equally important is your innate ability to release and empty out, preventing the accumulation of foreign energies. This continual process of filling and emptying empowers you to maintain clarity, offering a pure reflection of the ever-changing flow of life. Embrace the wisdom inherent in your design, for in your receptivity lies a profound understanding of the dynamic dance of energies that shape the world.
Reflectors are enveloped by an aura characterized as both resistant and sampling. This unique energetic shield enables you to assess and read fleeting energies without fully immersing yourself in the diverse frequencies. This exceptional gift equips Reflectors with the ability to discern the readiness of individuals to step into their authentic expression, guiding them away from being entangled in the homogenized realm of the not-self. It serves as a perceptive tool, allowing Reflectors to navigate the ebb and flow of energies with clarity and precision.
Your aura is designed for observation, reflecting on the energies it encounters with a sense of detachment. This innate ability enables you to foster harmony and interconnectedness within the community by serving as a reflective bridge. Constantly adapting, your aura contributes to the facilitation of understanding and unity among individuals, embracing the ever-evolving dynamics of connection.
A lot of your experience on a day-to-day basis will depend on whom you are around and what energy you take in and temporarily become. As a result, each day can bring you new surprises.
Although your energy is meant to change and shift each day, your Profile, Gates, and Cross of Incarnation are consistent qualities for you and can help give you a greater sense of self.
You are here to allow your interest to flow as freely as life itself. The people you come in contact with introduce you to new things, and you move on when it feels natural.
As a Reflector, your purpose is to be an embodiment of everything and nothing simultaneously. Your journey involves savoring an infinite array of experiences, emotions, interests, and qualities throughout this lifetime. While these encounters may enrich your being, none of them encapsulate your essence. Your identity is not confined by any single experience; rather, you are destined to remain an expansive vessel, open to the boundless spectrum of life’s offerings.
When it comes to romantic relationships, it’s crucial to experience genuine recognition of your authentic self rather than being defined by the energies you reflect from your partner. This distinction can be challenging to discern, making alone time essential. Taking moments for self-reflection becomes the most effective way to ascertain whether someone truly perceives you for who you are or merely appreciates their own reflection in the relationship.
In a state of alignment, embracing each day with openness and receptivity to life’s unfolding, you radiate a childlike sense of wonder and playfulness. This experience, marked by surprise, lightness, delight, and awe, signifies that you’ve effectively cleared out and allowed yourself to flow without attachment, embracing the boundless potential and depth that life offers.
Reflectors, I have such a warm place within me for you. Maybe it is due to my own openness and often feeling like I had to be clear on who I was, or experiencing mood swings and not understanding them (Open Solar Plexus).
I pray that you embrace the sacredness of your aura — be a mirror to the world, absorbing its diverse energies. Yet, remember, in the dance of reflection, always ensure you take moments to release and stand in the clarity of your authentic self. Your aura holds the power to illuminate and harmonize, weaving connections that transcend time. Dance with the energies, but let your essence shine through as the guiding light of your unique journey.
picture by author of graphic from
The Definitive Book of Human Design: the Science of Differentiation by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu
Reflector Aura
Strategy: to wait [through] a lunar cycle
When I started to see how the Lunar Cycle worked, I was in awe. It makes so much sense! I want to highlight your Lunar Cycle because I believe it’s super important as we talk about your Aura.
Your Strategy involves patiently waiting through a twenty-eight-day lunar cycle. As the moon traverses all 64 gates within this cycle, you’ll encounter diverse energies reflected within yourself.
For instance, as the moon transits through Gate 11, known for its inspiration and ideas, you may find yourself feeling particularly creative and filled with innovative thoughts. On the other hand, when the moon enters Gate 41, associated with the initiation of new experiences, you might sense a heightened enthusiasm for embarking on novel adventures and exploring uncharted territories.
Depending on your chart’s gates, temporary experiences like having a defined mind or solar plexus may arise, leading to fixed perspectives or transient emotional waves.
This cyclical journey through the gates occurs monthly, creating a consistent pattern. Experiencing and releasing the qualities of each gate gradually illuminates various layers of your truth, culminating in a comprehensive understanding when the cycle concludes.
Adhering to your Strategy facilitates a smoother, aligned life journey. Mindfully observing your feelings daily as each new gate briefly illuminates provides profound insights, fostering depth and confidence in discerning what aligns with your life path.
The lunar cycle’s waiting period deepens your connection to nature’s sacred cycles, aligning you with divine timing and offering the true pathway to access your aligned clarity.
When making small decisions, you are designed to go with the flow, to do whatever feels right in the moment. However, when an important or big life decision presents itself, you are designed to give yourself at least 28 days (one lunar cycle) to allow clarity to come to you
Step-by-Step Guide to Making Decisions with Lunar Authority
Step 1: Know Your Design
Understand your Human Design chart, specifically your Lunar Authority. Identify the gates activated during the current lunar cycle and their corresponding energies.
Upon encountering a decision, examine the current lunar phase — whether it’s a full moon, new moon, or waxing gibbous. Make a mental note and allocate a timeframe of 28 days, until the recurrence of that specific moon phase, to deliberate and finalize the decision.
Step 2: Observe Lunar Phases
During the 28 days, regularly check a moon calendar to stay aware of the moon’s phases and transitions through the gates. Note the qualities associated with each gate as the moon moves through them.
Step 3: Align with Gates
During the lunar cycle, be attentive to the gates influencing your aura. Recognize the varied energies and how they resonate with your experiences and decisions.
Ask yourself, “Who was I today? How did I feel about this decision?” Fully witness and observe this without any pressure or judgment for it to be your final answer.
Step 4: Introspection
Use moments of alone time, especially during significant lunar transitions, for introspection. Reflect on how the current gate energies are influencing your feelings, thoughts, and responses.
Step 5: Decision Timing
Consider making decisions when the moon is in a gate that aligns with the type of decision you’re facing. For example, choose a gate associated with creativity for decisions involving innovative ideas.
Step 6: Temporary Experiences
Be aware of temporary experiences like a defined mind or solar plexus during certain gates. Acknowledge these as transient influences on your decision-making process.
Step 7: Embrace Cycles
Recognize the cyclical nature of lunar authority. Allow decisions to unfold organically within the lunar cycle, trusting the process and the insights gained at different gate activations.
Step 8: Daily Reflection
Regularly assess your feelings and experiences as the moon progresses through various gates. Take note of any patterns or insights that emerge during specific lunar phases.
Step 9: Trust Your Intuition
Develop trust in your intuitive responses during the lunar cycle. Allow your feelings, especially those connected to specific gates, to guide you in decision-making.
Step 10: Wait for Clarity
Exercise patience and wait for the entire lunar cycle to complete before finalizing major decisions. The culmination of experiences through each gate provides a comprehensive understanding.
Step 11: Align with Divine Timing
Embrace the concept of divine timing and trust that waiting for the lunar cycle aligns you with the natural rhythm of life, offering clarity and guidance.
Step 12: Integrate Learnings
After the lunar cycle concludes, integrate the insights and learnings gained from the varied gate energies. Use this wisdom to inform future decisions and deepen your connection to lunar authority.
Remember, making decisions with Lunar Authority is a continuous, cyclical process. By aligning with the moon’s phases and the energies of each gate, you enhance your decision-making abilities and foster a deeper connection to your authentic self.
Absolute Clarity: By the last day of the 28-day period, when the moon has returned to the position it was in when you started, ultimately, the inquiry you pose to yourself is, “Does this resonate with me?” If the response is affirmative, you’ve discovered something in harmony with your being; you have your truth. Now it’s time to take action.
If you do not feel a clear answer, then your answer is no for now. You can give yourself another 28-day cycle to find clarity.
If you feel that fear is clouding your ability to feel your Authority, give yourself more time.
In the end, the question you are asking yourself is, “Does this feel right? If the answer is yes, then you have found something in alignment for you.
You are a lunar babe, and therefore, the lunar cycle has a significant impact on you and your daily experience, for that reason, I recommend a moon calendar.
A moon calendar can be a valuable tool for you as it aligns with your unique energy and lunar influence. Here’s how a moon calendar can support you:
1. Energetic Alignment: Reflectors are deeply influenced by the lunar cycle. A moon calendar provides insights into the different phases of the moon, helping Reflectors understand the shifting energetic tides throughout the month.
2. Decision-Making: Reflectors often benefit from making decisions over a lunar cycle. Tracking the moon’s phases allows Reflectors to observe patterns in their own energy and make decisions during periods of clarity and alignment.
3. Personal Observation: Reflectors can use a moon calendar to note their own energy patterns in relation to the lunar phases. This self-observation helps them understand how their aura responds to the various energies during different moon stages.
4. Synchronizing Activities: Planning activities, projects, or important decisions in alignment with specific moon phases can enhance a Reflector’s receptivity and alignment. For example, initiating new endeavors during the waxing moon and completing tasks during the waning moon.
5. Energetic Cleansing: Reflectors can use specific moon phases, such as the new or full moon, for intentional energetic cleansing. This can involve rituals or practices that help release absorbed energies, promoting a sense of renewal. For me, during the new moon, I tend to gravitate towards being alone, releasing energies, and this is when many of my “deaths’ and rebirths occur. While others use the full moon to do similar practices. Therefore, I encourage you to find your own rhythm and way.
6. Flowing with Natural Rhythms: The moon calendar encourages Reflectors to flow with the natural rhythms of the lunar cycle, fostering a deeper connection with their own cyclical energy patterns and the ebb and flow of life.
7. Setting Intentions: Reflectors can set intentions or goals at the new moon, aligning their aspirations with the beginning of a lunar cycle. This aligns their energies with the natural cycles of creation and manifestation.
8. Reflecting on Insights: The full moon, known for its illumination, can serve as a time for Reflectors to reflect on insights gained during the lunar cycle. It’s an opportune moment for self-reflection and gaining clarity.
In essence, a moon calendar acts as a supportive guide for Reflectors, helping you harmonize with the lunar energies and make decisions in alignment with your cyclical nature. It provides a framework for intentional living and self-awareness throughout the lunar phases.
As a Reflector, envision yourself as the expansive sky. Your purpose is to graciously welcome new energies, allowing them to paint hues across your energy body.
Embrace these energies as experiences, amplifying their depth and beauty, and then release them, clearing your canvas.
Reflect on the analogy — the sky remains the sky irrespective of changing weather. Whether clouds appear or disperse, the sky persists, undeterred by a single encounter.
You embody the indefinable, ever-changing sky.
Not-Self themes are indicators of misalignment and inauthenticity that can arise when an individual is not living in harmony with their true nature. Reflector, you might find yourself in a state of “not-self” when you experience:
1. Overwhelm: Absorbing too much energy from others without proper discernment can lead to overwhelm and a sense of losing your clarity.
2. Pressure to Conform: External expectations and societal pressures may induce a feeling of being out of alignment with their authentic self.
3. Lack of Alone Time: Reflectors need ample time alone to process and clear energies. Insufficient alone time can result in feeling disconnected from their true nature.
4. Ignoring Intuition: Disregarding your intuitive insights can lead to a dissonance between your actions and your authentic self.
5. Unhealthy Environments: Being in environments that are energetically draining or unsupportive can create a sense of being out of sync with your true essence.
6. Absence of Variety: Reflectors thrive on diverse experiences. A lack of variety or routine may contribute to a feeling of stagnation.
7. Unacknowledged Emotions: Suppressing or not acknowledging your emotions can lead to internal discord.
8. External Influence: Being heavily influenced by the opinions and expectations of others, instead of trusting your unique perspective, may contribute to a not-self experience.
Reflectors, you can navigate these challenges by cultivating self-awareness, prioritizing alone time, and embracing your role as barometers to guide others towards authenticity and alignment.
Caring for your aura as a Reflector involves nurturing its unique sensitivity and maintaining clarity. Here are some tips and recommendations:
1. Alone Time for Reflection: Regularly allocate time for solitude to allow your aura to clear and release absorbed energies. This sacred space for reflection is essential for maintaining authenticity.
2. Conscious Environment:Be mindful of the environments you choose to spend time in. Opt for places that resonate positively with your energy, promoting harmony and preventing unnecessary absorption of discordant frequencies.
3. Mindful Relationships: Surround yourself with individuals who appreciate your uniqueness and encourage your authentic expression. Cultivate relationships that support your well-being and understanding of self.
4. Boundaries: Learn to establish healthy energetic boundaries. Communicate your need for personal space and ensure that your interactions are balanced, allowing for both giving and receiving.
5. Body Awareness: Pay attention to your physical sensations. Your body often signals when your aura is becoming overwhelmed or imbalanced. Prioritize self-care practices to restore balance.
6. Regular Energy Detox Practices: Engage in practices that help you release built-up energies. This can include meditation, energy clearing rituals, or any activity that allows you to let go of accumulated vibrations.
7. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature to ground yourself and connect with its pure, revitalizing energies. Nature serves as a natural cleanser for your aura.
8. Intuitive Decision-Making: Trust your intuition when making decisions. Your aura acts as a perceptive guide, offering insights that can steer you towards experiences that align with your authenticity.
9. Creative Expression: Use creative outlets to express the energies you’ve absorbed. Art, writing, or any form of self-expression can be therapeutic, allowing you to process and release.
10. Self-Reflection Tools: Explore tools like Human Design and other self-reflection practices to deepen your understanding of yourself. This awareness enhances your ability to navigate life with clarity.
Remember, your aura is a gift, and caring for it involves a blend of self-awareness, intentional choices, and practices that honor your unique energetic makeup.
Sigh, well that was fun!
When I consider the information from the Human Design System and observations from human behavior, I realize that our conditioning may make some of these ‘simple’ tasks feel complicated and challenging. The Human Design System acknowledges this!
As you experiment with the System and practice living in alignment with your strategy, understand that it is a Practice. For some of us, our body will remember quickly, for others, some deconditioning will need to take place before we can hear our truth clearly — regardless, I want to encourage you to give yourself a chance at a magical life. A life where you live in alignment with your subjective truth and unique design.
My Dear Reflectors,
May you embrace the beauty of your open, perceptive nature. You are the living barometers of humanity, attuned to the subtle rhythms of the world. In moments of overwhelm, remember the strength in your ability to reflect, adapt, and guide. Your unique role as a mirror is a gift to us all. Take the time you need for yourself, trust your intuition, and know that your journey is a dance with the ever-changing energies around you. You are a vital part of the cosmic play, contributing your wisdom to the symphony of human experience.
With warmth and encouragement, and awe of your beingness,
Your Projector Friend, Charliie
I Love You! Thanks for being here.
Bunnel, L. & Ra Uru Hu. 2011. The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation. HDC Publishing
Lieberman, Rachel. A Modern Guide to Human Design
Understanding Human Design by Karen Curry
Your Human Design by Shayna Cornelius and Dana Stiles