Affirmations: Our Cosmic Order to the Universe? 🙃
I am that, I am
Sometimes I go throughout my day and I talk to God, and it feels like I am putting an “order in.”
I’ll say something like, “Oh, I’d love to create something like this.” And I just speak it out loud and expect that somehow, I will get that experience I am asking for (or something aligned, but unexpected).
And what I speak out, often happens.
I think it’s funny because it may sound crazy, but it really works, and I actually do it quite often.
I even tell my friends, “Oh, I mentioned it to Spirit, they’ll send me the idea.” And if it’s an idea, it’ll come within a day, or two. We really have that type of vibe, and it keeps life interesting.
And so… this morning, I was thinking about affirmations and how I imagine their manifestations work.
I’ve thought about this for a while but don’t think I ever shared it with anyone. So, I would love to know how you imagine it all works, if you’ve thought about it.
Let’s speculate, and affirm some truths along the way…
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements or phrases that individuals repeat to themselves to instill a particular belief, mindset, or desired outcome.
The purpose of affirmations is to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts, fostering a more positive and empowering mental attitude.
By consistently affirming positive statements, individuals aim to reprogram their subconscious mind and cultivate a mindset aligned with their goals, self-worth, and overall well-being.
Affirmations are often used as a tool for personal development, mindset work, healing/remembrance, and creating a more positive outlook on life.
In other words, change your mind, change your LIFE!
Let’s keep going!
[Guided to add this]
The reason why your life will change when your subconscious changes, is because the subconscious is guiding the majority of the decisions we make.*
So if you shift your mindset by reprogramming your mind, you are likely going to influence your values, beliefs, and the way you express yourself — and as a result of that, your choices will be impacted.
You’ll make choices and have experiences that will lead you to be able to embody what you’re affirming.
For example: If it’s confidence (I am Confident), you may start noticing your insecurities– this is to allow you to accept your truth, and embrace it. You may even be forced to face a fear you have so that you’ll realize it’s nothing to be scared of.
You’ll get opportunities to face the Shadow of what is interrupting your ability to be confident.
The belief that is not in resonance with you being able to be grounded in the state of confidence. Or the Shadow of what is not in congruence with your ability to align with whatever it is you are calling in.
Okay, so allow me to tell you about the belief I came here to talk about. Now, I am not married to this, but it’s cool to think about it.
I imagine that as we are speaking our affirmations — as we are constantly repeating them to ourselves, we are inviting the Universe/ God/ Spirit into our lives. We are asking them for support and help.
Photo by Michael Heuss on Unsplash
We are asking the Universe to help us embody this truth. Help us remember this truth.
And so, as we are affirming these things, we are inviting Divine experiences and opportunities to come to help us to embody that thing, to become it, to be energized and grounded in that energy.
And so, when we’re talking about an area we want to develop in, say, self-love — and we speak affirmations, like “I am whole,” “I am enough,” “I am truth,” — what we are saying to God is that ‘I am truth’; I am that which I say I am.
In this instance we’re saying to God, show me all the ways that I am truth. When we say, ‘I am love,’ we are saying, God, show me all the ways that I am love. Show me love!
And sometimes, for us to be able to see these things in our reality, because they already exist, we have to get rid of the illusions that are blocking us from the awareness of this truth. Through transmuting that illusion’s energy.
Because it already is.
It’s just a matter of us being able to see and experience it.
Therefore, we are then invited into this journey of discovery. Of remembering. Of seeing again, what already is.
Photo by Bud Helisson on Unsplash
I often envision this as us cleaning off our glasses in a sense, right? Gaining a new perspective. Because what we’re asking God for — what we are saying, already exists. It’s just a matter of not being in our awareness yet, part of our ‘reality.’
So how do we get ‘it’ into our awareness?
One way is to start with affirmations.
God/ the Universe will support us in bringing it into our awareness. That’s just something I believe.
They bring us into awareness by getting us aligned with it, by helping us release what is not in resonance, with what we’re calling into our experience.
You know those growing pains that many of us may be bothered by… those breakups that seemed to happen out of nowhere. The ending that we felt, but did not want to happen.
It is those experiences that become the breakthrough to receive what we’ve been praying about and affirming.
Through this process of affirming and receiving Divine guidance, we’ll be attracting experiences that will help us expand our consciousness by breaking free from whatever illusion is necessary to transmute so that we can be aware and in resonance with what it is we’re affirming.
Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash
I also think the process is similar to when we set intentions.
For example, every calendar year I choose a word for the year, and every year, I feel like I go on a journey with the word. The word leads me to experiences and shows me the depths of its expression and the energy behind it. I often end the year feeling like I understand the energy of the word, much deeper while discovering truths within myself.
My word for 2024 is Elevate.
We’re wrapping up month 2 and I’m already seeing things fall away, be called into question, and sparks ignited.
My life is elevating — my experiences, my perspective… and we still have 10 months of journeying to get through.
Additionally, I don’t think our desires and affirmations are random. I believe some of them come from the heart and not the head.
I’ve had many seasons of my life where affirmations/prayers would come to me, seemingly out of nowhere. Then once a pivotal thing happens in my life, I forget the prayer.
No matter how hard I try, I can not remember what I was praying, but I knew what I had prayed was influencing what was happening.
Thankfully, I’ve been documenting my journey since 2010 so I am sure some of the prayers are captured within my journal. But I know that they served their purpose.
Deep Gratitude
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
NOW! How about you? Are you ready to affirm a new truth in your life? Call in a new experience?
I know it’s bold and risky because you don’t know what the journey will require of you before you get to experience what you’re calling in — YOU GOT THIS THOUGH.
You’ll always get what you need.
“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose
What’s your go-to affirmation? Share it in the comments.
My latest affirmation that I’ve been saying daily is:
Love us. Speak soon!
xx. CHARLiiE
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*2. The Subconscious Mind controls 95 percent of your life
Todays science estimates that 95 percent of our brains activity is unconscious, meaning that the majority of the decisions we make, the actions we take, our emotions and behaviours, depend on the 95 percent of brain activity that lies beyond conscious awareness.